Beautiful ladies how are you today My friend came to my home. I had ordered a cake after a long time.
I was overjoyed to meet her especially since she had achieved first position in her university exams. She was beaming with happiness. We hugged each other tightly and she even brought flowers for me.
I invited her to the guest room and brought her cold water. After that I made her favorite dishes chicken rolls macaroni and noodles. She loves all these things.
She brought out mango juice and was about to drink it when I brought out the snacks I had prepared. She said Sit down and eat with me so I joined her.
We enjoyed our snacks together. Afterwards we reminisced about old memories sharing stories about our school days and laughing over funny moments. Komal was making me laugh so much
She was saying When will my princess arrive in this world I replied Inshallah she will arrive soon Or He will arrive only God knows. She was saying Mashallah mashallah. Then she asked When does Sherz bring gifts for everyone She had brought gifts for everyone.
After that we went to the garden and chatted while taking pictures. She asked What are your plans for the future I replied I've applied for ECT Early Childhood Teacher training. Please keep me in your prayers so I get selected I told her that after having children Iwill pursue a job but for now it's not possible.
I also shared that I am not able to study as much as I'd like to for now.
She said Inshallah you'll get the job don't worry.