I feel like love and hate are two different phenomena that coexist. People would either love you or hate you. Hence, the factor of getting hate or to be loved is dependent on the perspective that people look at you from. Talking about hate, it is an emotion that is first conceived in the heart before shown physically. People may hate you for different reasons. Some of the reasons may be unbelievable. People can actually hate you for being a positive person. It is through such emotional displays that hate speech could show up.
Hate speech is harmful and it could have serious consequences for an individual or the society at large. There is no constitutional law against hate except when it is expressed through words or actions. For example, when hate is expressed in speech, it could be termed hate speech. Hate speeches have some condiments that make it a hate speech. Name calling and other vulgar language which may dent the image of a person could be an expression of hate which by law is culpable.
Through hater speech, violence or intolerance can be perpetuated against individuals or a group. This may arise because the other person has a different skin pigment, or from a different nationality or ethnicity, and perhaps because of their belief system. Whichever way it comes, hate speech can result in hostility.
One very dangerous aspect of hate is that it can lead to violence. I remember closely who I followed the genocide in Congo between two ethnic groups, the Hutu and the Tutsi. It was an intense kind of hate between the two tribes. This case went so far that the Hutu all attempted to alienate the Tutsi tribe. It was that bad. It all began by hate. This same thing is being displayed in Nigeria currently.
After the last election, the Igbo people, especially those who live in the western part of Nigeria were gruesomely hated such that their businesses and properties were destroyed. You never can tell the extent to which hate could destroy a people.
The worst is that in a democratic state, hate speech could tenderly silence a person or group of people from their political standpoint. Hate speech creates a culture of fear even in a supposedly egalitarian society.
Pavel Danilyuk
What To Do When You Notice A Sign of Hate Against You
Of a fact, people won't just hate you for no reason. In some cases, you may be hated for the good things you did or you are though. In the case where you notice that you are hated, the following steps could be taken.
Check Yourself
This will help you determine the side of you that is contributing to the hate. It could
be your manner of speech to others or actions. Reflect on this and have a change of attitude if you deduce that you have not had a great personality.
*Apologise if Necessary
One thing that people may find difficult to do is to apologise especially when they know they are right. If perhaps you discover that you have not been a good person through your actions or words, be kind enough to accept and apologise. It will reduce the hate you are getting.
Do Empathy
When you accept the oerspe give of people with your own belief, it may help alleviate the hate that comes to your
Try to be humane enough to see that everything cannot work in your favour.
Seek Therapy
Professionals are available to help you scale the self-inflicted hate. By seeking therapy through counsellors, you will get support to help you through.
The Last Resort
Engaging in lawsuits may not be the best way to handle hate speech. When we seek redress in the law court, it should be after all other means of trying to solve the problem have been exploited and it's not yielding results.
As much as it is good to seek redress in the law court in some matters that affects us personally, we should try to meddle by putting up effort to dissuade the hate to continue if you are the cause in the first place.
In Nigeria where I am writing from, the propensity that you would get the judgement to your favour if you seek redress is less than 10%. This is why I advocate for the Biblical injunction:
Be at peace with all men without which no man shall see the Lord.
At this juncture, tolerance and love should be our watchword. It is the factor that helps us manoeuvre all sorts of hate that may be directed towards us. When we practice love and tolerance, believe me, there will be no hate.
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