Some Beautiful Pictures of Wild Plants - Amazing Nature (AN)

in voilk •  last month

    Good afternoon #Hive friends and those who are members of the Amazing Nature (AN) Community wherever you are.
    I always hope that all my friends are always in good condition and can carry out their daily activities as usual.

    I am here again together with all my friends to share various objects that I have photographed, namely pictures of wild plants that look interesting. Even though they are not cultivated, these plants look attractive.

    Yesterday I went back to look for interesting natural pictures and of course they were extraordinary, it did rain but it wasn't heavy and didn't last long. After the rain stopped I used a motorbike to go to my destination, when I got there I started walking around on foot to take photos of various objects that I found.

    The location here is a bit hilly so it is easier for me to find objects on foot. There are not many big and tall trees here, in fact there are more plants in the form of bushes. However, getting some beautiful wild plants that I can photograph certainly satisfies my heart.

    However, even if you walk, you have to be careful when walking because you could slip because apart from the rough surface because it is hilly, there are also lots of small stones on this path.

    The first object I photographed was the leaves which were still wet from the rain because here they were not affected by the sun which was starting to set, these small leaves were arranged neatly and were also interesting to photograph. I tried to take some pictures to share here.

    Still continuing to search and the next object was visible, the small flower which was still wet with rain water looked beautiful with a slightly purple color. Yes, this flower has beautiful colors with raindrops still attached to its petals, this flower is small. To take photos, you have to be really patient so you can focus, because I don't use a macro lens and my Android camera doesn't include a macro lens.
    After getting several pictures I continued looking for wild natural objects that I could photograph.

    The thorn bush plant was the next target of my Android camera, it has round flowers with needles like flower nectar. This flower is also often attacked by small insects to suck the nectar, but I have not succeeded in catching these insects landing on this flower, the thorns that grow on this plant are very hard and sharp.

    It rains occasionally even though the dry season has now started, but only briefly and sometimes it's just drizzle. However, for plants, of course it is very useful for their survival. If the sun is starting to get hot and the atmosphere is starting to get hot then it is time to go home from picture hunting.

    The pictures that I found are of plants that are often found in the environment around where we live, both in gardens and on the outskirts of the forest. However, if we don't pay close attention, we often miss these objects.

    OK, friends, this is what I can share this time, I hope you all like it and are entertained.

    By @dzaky12

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