Playing With Words: A Rich Reptile

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Words: shallow, jest, spread, play, reptile, cruelty, equal.

    It felt very itchy. He grabbed his skin with his nails and started scratching himself, so hard that his skin and flesh were torn and blood came out of them. He moaned and pulled his nails out of his flesh and when he looked at them, he realized that they were full of flakes. He had turned into a reptile!

    He let out a loud scream of surprise and horror and ran out of his room and quickly went down the stairs to the bottom floor where Dr. Bartholomee Garcia was lying on the couch with a calm face watching TV.

    "Dr. Garcia, look what's wrong with me!"

    "What's wrong? Isn't the space in your room suitable for a reptile?"

    And then Abner suddenly remembered everything. How he had put himself in the hands of Dr. Garcia to experiment on him, and the doctor in return had allowed him to live in his big house and enjoy comforts.

    Abner could not believe that he had done such cruelty to himself. What was lacking in his life that he allowed Garcia to turn him into a beast in exchange for wealth? Yes, it's true, his life wasn't great, but it wasn't so miserable that he had to turn into a reptile to save himself.

    "You know, Abner, my rivals have decided to play with me. They think they can beat me, but they don't know what plans I have to win.

    A shallow look at ethics leads you back. That's why I made my own principles and frameworks and didn't let the old traditions jest my worldview.

    I decided to spread my experiments all over the world. I will give equal opportunities to all those poor people who are unhappy with their lives and I will turn them into reptiles."

    And then there was a look on his face as if he was the kindest person in the world. Abner was still stunned and could not talk to him. So he turned away and went back to his luxurious room to crawl on the floor and enjoy his new identity.

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