Revontuli Coast's Beauty- theHunter: Call of the Wild

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello and welcome back to my blog!

    I have been on a mission to explore the unpopular reserve maps from theHunter: Call of the Wild. Last week I talked about Racho del Arroyo, a harsh desert land located somewhere in Mexico. This time we switched continents and reached Europe to our next destination, Revontuli Coast.

    I don't own this DLC map so my best chance for exploring is by going to the Multiplayer section and trying my luck there. If someone is hosting the game you can play those maps even though you don't own them. Only the host has to own the DLC. Why I say this is one of the least popular is the number of players hosting it. Anyway, this post will be my first impression of the reserve through my camera's lens.

    The first thing I noticed is the outpost design. They were quite modern houses and not like some of the other wooden lodges or just temporary shelters.

    I was in Revontouli Leiri, some sort of rest houses built near the lakes. There were many vehicles parked along with some buildings which served as outposts and stores.

    This place was at the center of the reserve and there were many large lakes around it. I couldn't wait to check all of them. The first lake I went to was just next to my rest house and the views were stunning. I had to take a couple of pictures.

    There were some small dinghies that you could take which would take you to the other side of the lake. I had never seen this feature before in the game. None of the other maps that I have been to have these small boats that can help you cross entire lakes. That was quite a nice touch. But I wish we could row the boats too but no, it just teleports us magically to the other

    I moved along the edge of the lake and reached a rocky place. Water here was so shallow and the lake was divided into two parts exposing an island where some trees were growing. It was a perfect opportunity for me and Sheru to take some more pictures.

    This map is mostly about duck hunting and it has a lot of bird species. Black Grouse, Willow Ptarmigan, Goldeneye Duck, Tufted Duck, Hazel Grouse, Eurasian Teal, and Canada Goose to name a few. I have heard that players come to this map almost exclusively for duck hunting and making quick bucks by shooting a big flock of them.

    You can hear them screeching and singing everywhere near the lakes.

    But don't be shocked when I tell you that this map is good for Moose hunting as well. They were everywhere on this map. Being big and bulky, they are relatively easier to kill if you have the right weapons.

    Using Moose caller and calling them in and using a bow to take down multiple of them is a good strategy.

    Some of the northern parts have vast open lands and water holes which makes a good hotspot for whitetail deer and Moose. Whitetails are good in numbers here too.

    Don't be fooled by its modern houses and fancy decks on lakes. This map offers some nice untouched places to hunt. Eurasian Brown bears roam in these woods hunting their prey. I wouldn't want to get in their way.

    The weather here is unpredictable too. One minute it seems all clear and calm and the next minute some clouds come and cover the sky and with it comes fog and sometimes rain making the woods much more mystical than before.

    The entire lakes get covered in a thick blanket of fog and visibility drops down significantly making hunting even more challenging. There are less number of medium to big-sized animals here and the foggy weather makes it even worse to find them.

    The hunting structures were not much different from other maps. I like the towers much more than the bunkers but I guess they give you better protection from the eyes of your prey.

    The towers provide you with better views and make range hunting fun. Their designs were quite minimalistic and weren't much fancy.

    I couldn't cover many places on the map as it is quite big but the places I explored were very calming. The brown and greenish hues blended well throughout the reserve.

    I couldn't find many animals to hunt. Some Whitetails, Moose and a couple of bird species. I will try to find the Brown Bears in the next hunting session. I was not in the mood for some serious tracking and hunting.

    Talking about bird species, there was a Canada Goose too in this map. I tried to capture a flock of them between two trees. They were quite far into the sky so it is a bit difficult to spot them from the next picture. But let me know if you see them flying between the two trees.

    That was all from this time. My first impressions of Revontuli Coast as not that good for me. I don't usually hunt small animals so this map is not the right one for me. But that Brown Bear could be an interesting one to find.

    Thanks for reading...

    Until next hunt...


    • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
    • Screenshots are from the game, theHunter: Call of the Wild.

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