Ice on the leaves

in voilk •  2 days ago


    In case I haven't made it abundantly clear, I absolutely hate winter. It is the worst time of the year and people should do like bears and just hibernate throughout this period.

    At every moment outside, my body feels like it's shutting down. It's like I'm on permanent energy saving and there's no charger, a.k.a the sun, to do anything about it.

    I had the unwanted pleasure of going to the office yesterday because I'm trying to get some favours in and put me in a better position to get any managerial position that opens up.

    My short term target is to be a team leader but that's just the start. It's a start that will take some patience but hey, gotta do what I gotta do.

    Anyway, let's talk about how winter sucks. It really sucks. It turns everything to shit.

    You know how people think hell fire is hot. Well, the deepest part of hell where the devil keeps the worse of the worse is frozen. What if winter is just a decent to the depths of hell and we think we're actually on earth.

    What I miss most is the sun. I give that celestial body a lot of stick when it gets hot but I'm starting to see its uses.

    Next time I see the sun, I'll say nice things to it. I won't whinge about heat wave or summer again and I'll pay tribute to Helios, if I have to. Please bring back the sun 😣

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