Today, I went hunting again. Not in the forest, not in the fields, but in a true microverse, where entire battles, migrations, and incredible encounters unfold within mere drops of water. And here it is—my catch.
A nauplius. Tiny, swift, almost transparent, like a ghost. I spotted it drifting through the water, paddling furiously with its minuscule limbs, struggling against invisible currents. One eye—like a warrior, never losing sight of its surroundings. Who is it? A future crab? Perhaps a shrimp? Or maybe an imposing lobster, destined to rule the underwater world one day?
As I watched this tiny creature, I imagined its microscopic world, where every movement is a fight for survival, every moment a test of resilience. It doesn’t yet know that it will grow larger, stronger. But even now, it fights.
I couldn’t let this moment slip away. This is my trophy—a testament to the fact that even in the smallest drops, life pulses with incredible force. Today's hunt was a success. Tomorrow—a new day, a new quarry, and new discoveries.