in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello actifiters and hello to everyone reading this blog! Before starting this blog, I would like to extend my greetings and gratitude for reading my writing, and hopes that this blog makes your time worth it. I hope that whoever is reading this blog is doing great in life and facing hardships with confidence and perseverance. I hope you have bountiful days ahead! Welcome to my actifit daily miniblog for March 31, 2024.

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    Kumusta everyone? How have you guys been doing? It's been a while since I last posted here on actifit, maybe it has been a week or so, but it does not mean that I have been lacking with my workout and goals to achieve a better physic though. The reason that I have been that I have not posted here for a while is that I was back at my home town for the holy week holidays and my parents did not allowed my to go to the gym, since it has been a tradition that we stay at home during this periods, they think that you are more prone to get into accident during this time so it's better to stay put. For today's miniblog, I will not only be talking about the workout I did today but also from the past days during the holy week.


    I believe that there's only one thing that can stop a man from accomplishing his goals and that's himself. A man's determination, focus, perseverance and discipline are all product of his mindset. Shape your mindset so be solid but somehow flexible and sharp but at the same time gentle.


    I admit that I have lost a few pounds this holy week since we were not allowed to eat meat products. All I have been eating was bread and sweet rice. Although it has a lot of calories, it lack the protien that need everyday to maintaining muscle mass. So I lost weight, too bad, but it's tradition we got to follow it. Anyway, this it the makeshift bench press that I came up with to be able to properly hit my chest, well, I could still do push ups bud doing bench press is more optimal than push up since you can load more weight. The makeshift bench press bar is a 9 feet pipe that I found around the house, the cement plates is custom made by my cousin which he gave to me.
    The red cushion is made by me, it was a seat from one of our e-bikes which I just borrowed hahaha. It's not much but it surely did it's purpose.


    Of course, if I was able to make a custom barbell bench press set-up, making a custom T-bar row would also be possible. The materials I used are the same with the makeshift barbell bench press setup but with some additional touches. Similarly, I used the metal pipe and the custom cement plates. What I added was one of the old handle of our motorcycle. I did not find any short metal pipe that would fit the profile that is good for the t-bar row. When I found it I was a bit hesitant, but after I asked my father which he approved, I used it as I wanted. I secured it in place rubber strips. The rubber strips were cut by me, it is from the old tire interiors that was already of no use to us, so I cut it into strips to creat a stopper for the plates and to secure the motorcycle handle in the bar so it won't fall of or shake while I'm using it. It was very easy to use, it's just like using a normal T-bar row. The only problem I get is that since the handle is from a motorcycle handle, my brother keep making motorcycle noises while, and it always makes me laugh and laughing really shakes off a lot of strength and focus you've built of for the set.

    This me doing casual barbell rows with the custom barbell.

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    So that is all for today's entry for my actifit daily miniblog for March 31, 2024. Well, if you ever made it this far in the blog, I hope it meant that you liked and enjoyed reading through it. If you ever find my daily miniblog interesting and you want to read more of my future blog, you can show support by giving me a follow and I'll be sure to follow back, let's be friends! If you have any thoughts in mind about my blogs or any suggestion, I would love to know about it. I hope to see you again in my next blog and thank you for the time, it's much appreciated!
    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Daily Activity, Gym, Walking, Weight Lifting
    175.62 cm
    57.3 kg
    Body Fat

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