in voilk •  4 months ago


    as always its necessity vs importance.
    I think food is a necessity and your phone is very important, and sacrificing one for the other is not going to be an easy tax.
    especially people who love both almost equally and people who need both to function physically and financially.

    it's kind of tricky to know which one to choose between both.
    living a day without food for me is kind of a punishment to me,

    the truth is, fasting nowadays for me'has become a tideous thing to do.
    the strength to go a day without eating anything has become low,
    food is very important for the day to day run-ins

    not eating throughout a day may affect someones thinking faculty for the day, especially if you are not used to skipping meals.

    ulcer patients may also have a hard time skipping meals because of what will happen to them if they dare try it.

    if I was asked to choose between food and phone when I was much younger, I would have opted for food
    because I love food when I was still a child, back then in order to eat lunch I would go to our wall clock and turn it manually to the time we would be allowed to eat lunch
    my love for food then is way greater than my love for any electronic device, but the reverse is the case now

    it's not that I don't love food now, but I think I would be able to spare one day just to have access to my phone because my business is on my phone.

    I'm not a child again, and I should be able to put away childish thinking and urge.

    my phone is of great importance to me, there are calls that I must not miss, there are programs that I must run daily that are very important to my future.

    I Guess food can always wait but those calls i am going to recieve and programs i run can't wait, because they need to be attended to
    how will I be able to tell my future grandchildren that I missed a life changing opportunity because I chose food over my phone where my business is.

    I believe any business person should be able to sacrifice thier temporary necessities for what really matters

    we are in technology era and for your life to change you need connection or information that's why you need to be always connected to the internet because a little piece of information is what you need for a turnaround in your life.

    remember, information leads to transformation, if you are not informed you can't be transformed to what you want to be.

    we need to always stay tuned.

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