I see the “new rules” are also written in the Engagement Challenge. Well, of course. The future Challenge is to see if you are participating in the ecosystem over the long term.
Engagement Challengeにも例の新しいルールってのが書かれてますね。まぁ当たり前ですが。今後のチャレンジは長期的にエコシステムに参加しているかを見るという事です。
I earn money from Blogs and put it into buying cards and HIVE games, so I think I'm participating in the ecosystem in a way! So please appreciate it! 😰
Well, this week, since we are talking about favorite strategies, I would like to introduce a team that I have been using a lot lately.
The basic combination is CURSED WINDEKU + ARACHNE WEAVER. However, this combination has a clear drawback: it cannot counterattack in the case of long-range attacks and magic attacks.
基本は CURSED WINDEKU + ARACHNE WEAVER の組み合わせですね。反撃能力を持つ WINDEKU で反撃ダメージを与えつつ、 ARACHNE で回復するわけですが、この組み合わせは明確な欠点があります。 遠距離攻撃または魔法攻撃の場合は反撃できないという事ですね。
This battle seems to have hit that very weakness, though. 😏
At the start of ROUND 3, WINDEKU has been defeated but the second tank remains, and BARON FYATT's Halving ability is working well. It halves the attacked target's attack power, making the tank much more durable.
ROUND 3の開始時には WINDEKU は倒されていますがセカンドタンクが残っています。BARON FYATT のHalvingアビリティが効いていますね。攻撃した対象の攻撃力を半減してくれるのタンクの耐久力は格段に上がります。
If I had only WINDEKU as a tank, it might have been a little short, but I have HALFLING REFUGEE as a second tank, so I could stay this long.
もしもタンクが WINDEKU だけであればちょっと足りなかったかもしれませんが、セカンドタンクとして HALFLING REFUGEE を置いているのでここまで粘れたんですね。
And this is what it looks like when it comes to ROUND 5. The durability of the combination of MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN and the healer is high! But this is where USUT's Bloodlust and high HP comes into play.
そして、ROUND 5になるとこんな感じ。 MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN とヒーラーの組み合わせの耐久力は高いですねー。しかしここで USUT のBloodlustと高HPが効いてきます。
USUT is very durable and excellent because it has flight and high HP in armor! If you are in a fistfight with the same number of people, Bloodlust will make you a Warriors while increasing your attack and durability. 😘.
USUT は飛行も持っているしアーマーもHP高いので非常に耐久力が高くて優秀!同数での殴り合いであればBloodlustで攻撃力と耐久力を上げつつ無双してくれます。😘
In this case, the opponent was mainly magic attackers, so they were targeted from the front, but even if they were mainly Sneak attackers, the USUT at the end of the line would protect them. Even if they take some damage, ARACHNE WEAVER will heal them.
今回は相手が魔法攻撃主体なので前から狙われたわけですが、仮にSneakアビリティ主体の編成であったとしても、最後尾の USUT が防いでくれます。多少ダメージを受けても ARACHNE WEAVER が回復してくれますしね。
It is my favorite recently because it is such a seamless organization. By replacing non-key cards, it can be adapted to various rules. I like Bloodlust's USUT very much.
そんな感じで隙が少ない編成で最近はお気に入りです。キーカード以外を入れ替えることでいろいろなルールにも対応できますし特にBloodlustもちの USUT がとてもお気に入りです。
I hope that you will try out various ways to use USUT!
皆さんもいろいろ試して USUT を使てあげてください!
The images below include the BATTLE URL with a referral link.
If you are thinking of getting started, take a look at the BATTLE before you sign up.
以下の画像をは紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLを含みます。