A Scary Moment

in voilk •  3 months ago

    I kept hearing the sound of something outside, just as if the spirit of the dead from the grave had risen.
    I always hate staying in a place where there is a grave, just because of the story my mom told me some time ago. Sporadically, when you are told a scary story about the way the dead always rise and torment the living, you will find it difficult to sleep no matter what. This can happen, especially when you are living in a place where there is a grave.
    When my husband was searching for a flat, I forgot to tell him about how scared I am when it comes to staying in an environment where there is a grave. He found a better place, according to him, without consulting me. However, he later called me to come and have a look at it, which I did.
    Reaching the flat, I found it so perfect, except for the grave beside the veranda. I said to myself, “I hope this will not scare me later. Right from that moment, I began to think back to the story my mom had once told me about a grave beside someone's flat. This time I could not hold myself, other than to tell my husband about how I was feeling about the grave. “I don't seem to like this grave.”.
    “Nothing is going to happen. Just take your mind off the grave," my husband said.

    Thgusstavo Santana
    After a week, we parked in the flat, but then I kept staring at the grave. That first night was a horrible night on my path. As I was sleeping, suddenly, I received a tap on my leg, which made me jump up and shout “Spirit.” Although I don't love sleeping while switching on the light, as I was running, my husband drew me back and asked, “Were you having a dream?”
    “No, I was tapped by the spirit," I said to my husband.
    “I was the one who tapped you on your leg. I saw the way you were behaving while in bed and could not hold it other than to tap you so that you could sleep straight and stop that strange behavior." My mind was calm, but then fear gripped my heart.
    That morning, I was not ready to come out; instead, I asked my sleeping husband to help me open the door. He opened it and went straight outside. I followed him while the fear was gone for that moment. However, I kept staring at the grave while fear again returned to its place in my heart. I could not show it to my husband; instead, I just maintained myself.
    The second night was the worst in my life. As I slept, I began to hear the “meow” sound. It sounded just like a crying baby. Initially, I held myself back so that my husband would not say I had started. I could not close my eyes and instead began to have the thought that the sound was from the spirit from the grave. I just glued myself to the bed and held my last child sleeping beside me tightly.
    The meow sound stopped for a while, and this relieved me a bit. After another five minutes, the sound came up again, and this time it was not just one cry but sounding just like three babies crying. I said deep inside myself, “I'm in for it today.”.
    I could not close my eyes that night. After another five minutes, the air was so fresh and nice. Since the sound was gone, I was a bit relieved. I turned to face the window, Cotton. The way the cotton was swinging took me back to what my mom had told me happened to the family in the story. She had told me that “the spirit hid beside the cotton, and suddenly, the cotton began to swing with a cool, calm breeze that followed.” As I immediately recalled this in my memory, I raised my head and saw the cotton swinging just like my mom had described it. Fear overtook my mind, and I could not even shake my body.
    Suddenly, my husband entered. He tapped me unknowingly, and I jumped up and shouted, “Spirit, spirit, spirit...”. He asked, “Where is the spirit?”
    I tried to point to the window, but then the breeze calmed down again. I told him how it all started with the meow sound of cats and now the breeze. He said, “Remove your mind from the story you said your mom had told you and just focus.".
    The following night, I heard something just like footsteps coming from the parlor. I tried to maintain my stand, but then my heart kept beating so fast, even faster than the speed of light. I could not hold it as the footsteps would stop at a point and continue; instead, I decided to shout again. My husband rushed and said, “What's the problem again?”
    “I heard footsteps right in the parlor," I said.
    “But I was the one coming to check on you guys," my husband said.
    “Maybe I will be sleeping beside you for some time until you regain your mind," my husband said.
    He started sleeping beside me while my kids were sleeping on the empty foam in the same room. That week went by without a spirit of fear in me. Weeks later, I threw away the belief that the spirit always emerges from the grave.
    “Hmm… I guess I was missing you, honey," I said to my husband months ago.
    We both laughed over it.

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