Kindness and the Helpers High

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Exploring the Helper's High

    "Helper's High" is the good feeling you get from helping others, caused by the release of feel-good hormones in your brain. It gives you a sense of satisfaction, fulfillment, and happiness after being kind to others. Doing good deeds triggers the release of these hormones, leading to the Helper's High feeling. Experiencing this can boost your well-being and give your life more meaning.

    Understanding the Helper's High

    When we engage in acts of kindness without expecting anything in return, we often experience a sense of euphoria. This feeling is attributed to the release of dopamine in the brain, a neurotransmitter that contributes to pleasure and reward.

    • Oxytocin, known as the "love hormone," plays a crucial role in promoting bonding and social connection.
    • Dopamine reinforces the satisfaction derived from helping others.
    • Endorphins act as natural painkillers, leading to a sense of well-being and contentment.

    These neurotransmitters collectively create a cascade of positive emotions that underlie the profound effects of the Helper's High on mental and physical health.

    Consistency for Well-being

    A single act of kindness provides a short-term boost in oxytocin levels. To maintain these positive effects on mood and well-being, it is essential to continue practicing kindness regularly.

    • Regular acts of kindness sustain high levels of oxytocin for overall well-being.
    • Consistency in kindness helps in prolonging the positive effects on mental health.

    Being consistent in acts of kindness not only benefits others but also positively impacts our own mental well-being.

    Embracing the Positive Effects

    Embracing the Helper's High through acts of kindness can bring about a sense of purpose and fulfillment in life. The release of oxytocin, dopamine, and endorphins during these altruistic actions contributes to feelings of happiness and well-being. By fostering a habit of kindness, we can continue to experience the positive effects of the Helper's High on our overall health and happiness.

    Some Kindness Ideas

    Pick one, add your own, or do what inspires you.

    1. Smile at every person you meet today.
    2. Share a positive review of a small local business you adore.
    3. Offer your skills to a non-profit organization.
    4. Donate blood if you're able. It's a simple way to save lives.
    5. Compliment a stranger's unique style or a kind gesture you observe. Spread positivity!
    6. Leave positive sticky notes on the mirrors in public restrooms.
    7. Buy coffee for the person behind you. Surprise and delight!
    8. Share a meal with someone who could use the company.

    Self Kindness Ideas

    1. Try deep breathing or meditation to calm your mind.
    2. Try deep breathing or meditation to calm your mind.
    3. Treat yourself to a self-care day. Have a spa day at home or read a book to nourish your soul
    4. Make time for your hobbies. Doing what you love is essential for self-care.

    Images created using MidJourney and Dal-E, for which I have commercial licenses.

    #kindness #cwh #dreemport #ecency #hivekindness #kindnesschallenge #kindnessmatters #pob #wellness #conservation

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