My second son started learning swimming / 次男がスイミングに通い始めた(English&japanese)

in voilk •  3 months ago



    I finally decided to have my second son, who will turn 6 this month, learn swimming. To be exact, yesterday was a trial class, and he will officially join next week.

    While my elder son started swimming a little before the age of 4, my second son started his lessons much later. This was mainly due to the fact that we had spent quite a bit of money on our elder son's lessons (especially for juku), and because of COVID-19 we were cautious about going out to new places.

    However, my second son has recently begun to rapidly develop an interest in a variety of things. In February, he was crying because he wanted to study at a cram school his older brother went to. But that was mainly a juku for studying for entrance exams and not for students under elementary school age, so I had him give it up. He is a bit more mature, so daycare alone is not enough for him. Already in the middle of his first year, he said, "I think it's time for me to quit daycare".

    Well, I know how he feels. I myself disliked kindergarten so much when I was 4 or 5 years old (I didn't fit in at a school that encouraged competition) that I told my mother several times that I wanted to quit kindergarten. Each time she listened to me like it was a bother, but finally she said, "Then you should negotiate with the principal yourself!" How dare she say that! I gave up because I didn't think I could do that.

    Now, let's get back to my second son. During the one-hour swimming lesson, he was smiling and in a good mood from start to finish. Although he still can't swim at all, he could listen to the coach and put his face in the water for 5 seconds as instructed, so he seemed to have no problem. After the lesson, he came back to the changing room smiling and said, "Well, that was fun. I need to study swimming too..." and so on. After completing the application procedures today, I will be sending him home early from daycare every Tuesday to attend the lessons.

    My second son says he wants to study too, but since he can already do 2nd grade level math and simple division, I think he would still fall a little short in a toddler class. He has not learned a multiplication table, but he seems to be multiplying and dividing with the concept of multiples. By the way, I have no doubt that Splinterlands has helped my second son become good at numbers. He can do "live math" by calculating costs without having to do math drills.

    But if he really wants to study, I would like to let him do so, and if so, I will have to work more shifts. After the swimming lesson, we ate pudding at Saizeriya as a reward for our hard work😁



    長男は4歳少し前からスイミングに通い始めていたのに対して、次男の習い事スタートは随分遅くなってしまいました。長男の習い事(特に塾)に結構なお金がかかっていたこと、コロナもあって新しい場所に出向くのに慎重になっていたこと、…また大きな声では言えませんが2人目の育児は1人目と比較してかなりテキトーになっていたことなどが理由です。離乳食もほとんど作らなかったし… 大人の食事を勝手に横から食べてたし、そういえば私のカップからブラックコーヒーも飲んでましたね(次男スマン)。



    気持ちはわかるんですけどね… 私も同じ歳の頃幼稚園が嫌いすぎて(競争を煽る園で合わなかった)、母に何度か「幼稚園やめたい」と言ったことがあります。母にはその度に面倒臭そうに聞いていましたが、しまいには「じゃあ自分で園長先生と交渉して頂戴!」なんて言い出して・・・流石にそれはできそうにないと諦めたのですが、改めて考えると結構ひどい親では😂まあそれは余談ですが。





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