Garden pests, aphids

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Pests are a problem for the horticulturist, but they are part of nature and we must learn to live with them. It is a mistake to try to eliminate them completely with products that in the long term will be much more harmful to us, causing serious illnesses. In this series of articles I will talk about how to deal with these small, undesirable living beings.

    Aphids are undoubtedly one of the most common problems for gardeners. But luckily they are not usually a big problem and it is difficult for them to become a pest if the cultivation is done correctly.
    These small sap-sucking insects are seasonal and need special climatic characteristics. So if the weather changes they can disappear in the same way they appear.

    They usually become a problem when they are associated with ants that use them in the same way that we use cattle. They transport them, take care of them and milk them.

    Fighting them is relatively simple if we cultivate our garden correctly, which will attract the multiple predators they have. The best known of them is the ladybird and especially its larvae, which are gluttons for aphids.
    If you prefer to do it yourself or they have become a pest, then the simplest method is the manual one or to prepare a potassium soap solution to fumigate them. It is a totally ecological method that will not affect the plants.

    Thank you very much for supporting my blog and I look forward to your comments.!

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