13 Unique Doors

in voilk •  5 months ago

    It's been a while since I've written about doors. It seems like it would be easy to gather enough photos to make a decent post about them but often times it's much harder than one might think. Not all doors are interesting or uniquely beautiful. Many are plain and boring and mundane, so it can take a lot of time to find ones worth taking a picture of. Sometimes it can take months to gather enough. Of course, sometimes you get lucky and hit the jackpot though, and manage to spot multiple in a single day or one general location. I had some good luck finding a few in Austria and together with some others that I've saved over the months and years, I now have 13 door photos that I'd like to showcase. So without further preamble, let's take a look at them shall we.

    Church Doors


    Churches tend to have nice looking doors to them and are a great source for photos. I saw these doors in Belém Portugal on our vacation there many years ago. In this case the doors actually take a bit of a backseat, with the focus being more so about the architectural details surround them.



    This one wasn't from a church and I axtually don't recall what the building was that housed them. Maybe it was a house? The door looks very French in its design and architecture but I'm pretty sure that it was taken in Germany during our Bavaria trip - possibly in Bamberg or maybe Baden Baden. Nonetheless, this photo is much about the doors surroundings as well. It has a lot of florish about it and I also like that it is a single door made to look like three. That's somewhat unique I think. It has a nice symmetry about it as well.

    Curved Wood


    This large wooden door is somewhat simple. It has a really interesting curved design though, that is actually pretty impressive when you think about it. I've seen other doors like this, so its not a one of a kind or anything, but I imagine that it wouldn't be easy to create a curved door like that. Do they warp the wood or is it cut extra thick to accommodate the curvature? This ine was seen in Vienna Austria.



    Large wooden doors are common in Europe, and around the world I'm sure. Often they have some really interesting decorative carvings on them. I'm not certain but my guess is that these designs would have been hand carved, which could make them one of a kind. From Innsbruck Austria.



    I like this one for its symmetry. The address numbers above and the wall mounted lamps on either side, the door has an elegant symmetry about it in my opinion. This one was also seen in Vienna Austria.



    This door not only has a unique curved top but also a nice herringbone pattern on its front. It has a rustic "Hobbit hole" look about it and I also like the placement of the smaller utility door beside it. Another one seen in Innsbruck Austria.

    Unique Design


    Similar to the Herringbone pattern in the door above, this one has the same pattern but mirrored from the center. A nice one that I saw in Hallstatt Austria.

    Large Metal


    Large metal doors seem to be less common now that I'm thinking about it. I don't know if I've ever seen a door like this one was I spotted at a church in Salzburg
    Austria. It was a pewter colored metal door with elaborate carving work on it as well.

    Well Travelled


    This is just a simple door really, but it's unique in that so many visitors and tourist have fixed their mark to it. Stickers from travelors around the world decorated this door seen at the Kehlsteinhaus in Germany.



    Another door from Salzburg Austria. I really like its monochrome white color scheme. The iron rivets (or whatever they are) speckeling the front are pretty cool as well.



    This door took an opposite approach in that it's very brightly colored. The reddish pink of the door is a nice contrast against the wrought iron hardware. But for godsakes where's it from? Seen in the isolated island village of Mont St. Michel France.



    Some doors are offset by a nice looking window beside them; like this daycare center seen in a small community outside Innsbruck city. Doors and windows go hand in hand really.

    A Little Bit of Everything


    This last one really has a little bit of everything in my opinion. The door is wood with a mirrored herringbone pattern and it has contrast between the peach colored wall paint and the rich dark wood stain on the door. It also has architectural design work surrounding the door itself as well as great symmetry overall. This door seen in Bavaria Germany sort of has it all.

    Well thats it for my doors post. Until next time, thanks for stopping by.

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