Answering this question is not very difficult. You can give several correct answers actually.
It is totally fine if you think of the music that the birds are chirping... you wouldn't be wrong. Maybe you think of the musical notes and start to sing the C major scale - do, re, mi... or those same notes but in the alphabetical system C, D, E... But you are also right if you say that here you can listen to classical music coming to you from a multitude of small speakers hidden throughout the park. That is what I was referring to.

I stood next to a lamp and heard Bach's music from the pillar; that was a surprise. Bingo, I spotted one of those speakers hidden there. Such a perfect occasion to make a video of this new musical instrument - the lamp post! 😆
Unfortunately, you can't hear it in this post because I think the platform I could upload the video to is still down. But I will tell you what I heard during my walk through this small park - Music Garden: Toccata and Fugue in D minor, but even more than the toccata I enjoyed the serene melody of the Air from Orchestral Suite no. 3 in D major and several movements from Brandenburg Concertos...

You can believe me or not, it is up to you, however, a few photos can visually prove that we are really walking in a world of music for this edition of Wednesday Walk.
The main building in this park is La Casa Grande Del Jardín De La Música. On the little plate by its entrance, I read that it was refurbished in 1991 and used as an exhibition hall until 2017, but then it seems it was refurbished once again. The date when it was originally built is 1925 as a family home for a shoemaker.

Oh, wait, what do shoes have to do with music? I should return to the main topic - music. So, here comes the proof! A real musical playground where you can also learn about the names of the notes or if you can read music recognize the tune that is written in the staff. Up there, on the slide...

... and here too, on the bench.
It is a popular Spanish nursery rhyme.

If you are not a fan of them you can stay with the musical scales or classical music coming from the hidden speakers. Just don't forget to walk, you will hear the same music coming from the next lamp post too.

Playing the piano with legs? Why not? :D

As the park is quite small it doesn't really count as physical exercise to walk through it, even if we stay here for a while. But doing some exercises while staying in this park could be the solution. Make sure you are higher than 140cm. That is what this warning says. It wasn't me who invented this rule. 🤷♀

The Music Garden still has one additional feature to offer to its visitors: pick an instrument and start practising. In a park it is not a problem, it can be a saxophone, trumpet, horn or a...
