I'm overdue for next post prompt and rewards...Sorry everyone....But...

in voilk •  4 months ago


    I haven't forgotten everyone in the community. Honest!


    I did see your posts and I know I owe you some GLD tokens. But it will probably take another week or so. Sorry about that.

    What Happened?

    Last Wednesday I was all ready to sit down and get things posted. Then I got the final bill for a cabin I'm having built. The contract I signed said that the home would cost $85,000 with three payments (30K, 30K, and 25K) there were allowances for overages (15%) and tax (5%) but the contractor assured me that they would be able to finish at less than the contract amount provided I didn't ask for changes, alterations or other stuff that wasn't in the contract.

    It was supposed to be done in 3 months. It took almost 7 months.

    Of course I was excited when I was told the project was complete and the final bill was coming. Unfortunately the bill wasn't $25,000....I was asked for $67,434! Most than $40,000 more than I expected! I spent the rest of the day re-reading the contract, trying to contact the contractor to figure out what happened, contacting my lawyer to see what I was legally responsible for, and trying to calm down my wife who was really REALLY angry.

    Posting to the community didn't happen that day

    The next day I was still talking to the contractor and they agreed to drop the final payment to $50,400 which is still more than double what I expected but at least $17,000 less than initially. The lawyers said I certainly had a case for breech of contract and that they could help BUT legal fees and court fees are very expensive.j

    That pretty much sucked!

    Then things got worse

    Now Thursday and Friday I also had to work. Not much fun fretting about a huge bill while also trying to get my work done and take care of patients in the Pharmacy. I did my best though.

    I got back after a long day of work and was going to write a Hive Learners Post about an important anniversary. It was such an awesome post because my 25th wedding anniversary is coming up in just over a month.

    Then I got a message from my mentor @dlmmqb that I had been blacklisted by Hivewatchers.


    I didn't plagiarise anything. I didn't write spam. I didn't forget to source an image.

    I delegated to the wrong cause. Now not long ago I asked everyone where I should delegate as I'm trying to get the best return to support the community. As such I delegated 100HP to a number of different causes that proclaim they will give a good return on the delegated Hive.

    I didn't realize that delegating to the wrong cause can get you blacklisted.

    I'll write more on the dangers of delegating to causes like whaletail at another time. After cancelling my delegation and contacting the right people I was able to clear my name.

    However for 24 hours I was trying to think of how I should step away from HIVE and when I was doing that writing about a new weekly post just didn't seem like something I had the energy to do.

    I'm Sorry Crew

    So why a I not sending out GLD and new prompt today?

    Well today I'm on the road to see what happened with the home I was having built. I'll be totally focused on looking at the build, talking with the contractor, trying to negotiate a settlement that doesn't involve going to court and generally doing things that need a lot of attention and thought.

    Just to make things even more interesting the place I'm going doesn't have internet or even cellular phone service.

    In that regard if I write a topic not I won't be able to read responses, I won't be able to ask to get them curated and generally won't be able to support what you write.

    Please accept my apology

    I'll also have to think carefully how I structure payments to the members in the community. I don't want any of you getting blacklisted because the community at large things I'm doing anything spammy.

    But that's it for now.

    I just thought everyone in the group deserved an explanation.

    Thanks guys and gals.

    I really appreciate your support for the community and wish I wasn't so distracted right now so I could give it the attention it deserves.

    Side note: I'm using my backup laptop and I have my posting key on it but not my active key so I can't send coin until I return home. Sorry again.

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