🥦Mizuo's Travel Blog🥦No.59 - Campeche, Mexico 🇲🇽 - Nov. 2023

in voilk •  3 days ago

    LET'S GO!!

    It has been a while since I have written a travel blog to organize my photos. I was thinking once again that my trip to Campeche, Mexico, at the end of last year, greatly broadened my horizons as I looked at the many photos I took.

    On this day, we were all going to my friend's ranch to work on land clearing with "Work Away" volunteers who were recruited through a website. "Work Away" is a service that provides volunteers with food and a place to stay in exchange for five hours of work per day. On this particular day, a couple from France told us that they were planning to travel to Mexico for about a month together. We decided to leave home early in the morning when the morning glories were still blooming, as the temperatures in Campeche rise during the day, and both Blue and Badue were still sleep

    What is Work Away 

     👉 https://www.workaway.info/



    この日は「Work Away」と言う、ウェブサイトから募ったボランティアの方とみんなで友人の牧場に行って開墾作業を行うことになりました。「Work Away」は、ボランティアの方に食事と宿泊場所を提供する代わりに、1日に5時間の労働を提供してもらうと言ったサービスです。この日は、フランスから来たカップルで、2人で1ヶ月程度メキシコを旅行することを計画していると言っていました。 カンペチェは日中は気温が上がるため、朝顔がまだ咲く早朝に家を出発することになりました。Blue も Badue もまだ眠たそうです。

    About a 30-minute drive from the city of Campeche to the outskirts of the city, you will find a vast expanse of grassland. My friend and his wife run a ranch there, and in the future, my friend is considering operating it as a shelter for shelter dogs. There is still some land that has not been cultivated yet, and we worked on cultivating it with volunteers we recruited through "Work Away" there. Some of the plants had surprisingly large stinging plants, and the cultivation work was harder than expected, but everyone worked really hard under such circumstances. Yes, we did it, really!

    車で30分程度、カンペチェ市内から郊外に向け走ると、そこには広大な草原が広がり始めます。友人夫妻はそこで牧場を経営していて、将来的に友人としては保護犬の保護施設として運営を検討しているようです。まだまだ土地はあるけど、開墾できていない土地があって、そこに「Work Away」で募ったボランティアさんと一緒に開墾作業を行いました。中にはびっくりすりほど大きな刺の植物もあって、開墾作業は思ったより重労働で、そんな中、みんな本当に頑張って作業をしてくれました。

    A friend of mine lends me a large sword-like Mexican / Mayan katana and I use it to cut down trees of all sizes to clear the land. For the really large trees, my friend's father-in-law would cut them down with an electric saw, and we would cut them into smaller pieces and clear them away. I was in charge of clearing up the trees, but it was harder work than I expected, and I was quite tired working in Campeche where the temperature rises. But in Stockholm, I didn't have to work up a sweat, and the time passed quickly as I moved my body in the sun, talked with everyone, and listened to French songs while I worked. And, it was really fun working with them and time went on pretty fast. 


    I thought that working in the sun would produce vitamin D and prevent depression. In a dark and cold country, I would inevitably feel depressed, so I am very thankful that I was able to change my mood when I came to Mexico. Maybe I really missed the sun. Haha!


    By mid-day, the temperature was so hot that we had to stop working and go home. I didn't notice a plant with a sting while I was clearing away a tree, and when I came to, I was bleeding from my arm. That is a good memory to include. When we got home, my friend cooked a meal for all of us. After all the work, I felt really hungry and the food was exceptional. It was fun to eat with a couple from France while chatting with them about various things, and they said they would be moving to Cancun in the next few days. I thought to myself, "I would love to do a backpacking trip and someday do a backpacking trip somewhere for a month or so."


    🥦 ᚨᛚᚢ 🥦
    🥦 ᛗᛁᛉᚢᛟ ᛫ ᚾᛗᚱᚲ 🥦 
    🥦 Ha det så bra!🥦
    🥦See you again!🥦
    🥦 https://linktr.ee/mizuo 🥦
    💨 Don't get carried away by the Eight Winds 💨 
    🌬1) Prosperity - 利
    🌬2) Decline - 衰 
    🌬3) Disgrace - 毀
    🌬4) Honor - 誉
    🌬5) Praise - 称
    🌬6) Censure - 譏
    🌬7) Suffering - 苦
    🌬8) Pleasure - 楽

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