Broken Arrows: Pick your poison!

in voilk •  5 months ago


    For our battle mage secrets this week, we have the broken arrows ruleset. The ruleset makes for ranged monsters to be unable to be played. Thus leaving us with magic and melee monsters along with no attack monsters. As usual, we will talk about a few strategies and then go round by round through a battle using one of the strategies. Link to the full battle can be found here:


    1. Weapons Training: Having some magic weapons training can always be a nice strategy to use in this instance. Monsters such as almo and peaceful giant in wild league can be great pairings.

    2. Magic reflect and thorns: You know what damage is coming so best be prepared for it. Bringing magic reflect monsters along with a thorns summmoner such as mylor is always a great choice here.

    3. Void and Shield: Again, knowing what you will be facing in terms of damage this is a no brainer. There is also a benefit of limiting any reflect damage coming back using this strategy as all damage will be less

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    Battle Breakdown Round 1:


    We have broken arrows and the poison ruleset for this matchup. Plenty of immunity monsters that are melee however they are in death and fire for silver league so i figured that was not going to be what I saw. For me I wanted a big heal monster, along with the magic reflect in case my opponent went with a magic play. In round 1, the reflect damage did its job but only due to the amplify provided by rather. The shatter from immortalis is quite annoying making the damage less effective as my tank goes down much quicker due to this especially with the resurrect from adelaide.

    Round 2


    In round 2, one key monster of my opponent goes down in his triage monster spirit hoarder. The shatter continues to diminish my resiliency but the heal and repair I think should do the job. His tank is putting in work and the heal from the divine healer is keeping him upright for the long haul.

    Round 3


    Round 3 begins with both of our heal monsters going down making our tanks more vulnerable. His shield mycelia goes down as well however which will make his tank open to a big hit from my uriel. The round ends with only one of his monsters remaining however my backline monsters will be eliminated with the poison damage when round 4 starts.

    Round 4


    The repair from the adelaide was key here as my uriel would have gone down without it. A slightly unlucky miss by my uriel extends the match to round five but thankfully knifer goes down by the poison damage.

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    Magic reflect proved key here in my opinion however his void was a good choice along with the shatter. I needed all of uriels heal, the divine healer, as well as adelaide to keep this one going. Please upvote or comment if you have any other strategies you like to use in this ruleset.

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