Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge | RULESET: Fire & Regret

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Hello, hive gamer community I am lucky Ali so this time it is a fire & regret ruleset and you know this is a very common ruleset when you play battle you get this ruleset battle multiple times that’s why it is a common ruleset. This battle is critical because when you see this rattle you understand how critical it is it took almost 27 rounds to complete so you can see here the big fight between the opponent and me that is why this fight is very important and fun to watch and I will I know that you will enjoy this battle a lot because it has a twist and turns so without any more talking let us start the battle.

    Battle Rules


    • Fire & regret: This rule is the enemy of ranged attack monsters so if you are going to take a ranged attack monster then you have to be careful because all the monsters will get return fire ability because of this ruleset so you have to be careful when you are taking a ranged attack monster you have to take ranged attack with more health as well as that particular monster should have the heal ability.

    • Unprotected: So unprotected rules mean no armor for any monster which means even if you are taking a summoner with plus one armor ability then it is not going to reflect to the cards because armors are already disabled because of this ability.

    • Going the distance: This is a clear rule. In this ruleset, you can only take ranged attack monsters. according to the Fire & Regret ruleset, you should not use a ranged attack monster but another side this particular rule set only allows ranged attack monsters so you can say this is very interesting and you have to use your mind to win this type of battle and because of these rule sets this particular battle becomes amazing.

    My Battle Line Up


    First position: Kulu Swimhunter is here and this monster has no ability but it has good health it can be useful to waste multiple attacks on the opponent that is why I have used this monster at first so that a powerful monster can attack from behind.

    Second position: I have taken Drybone Raider as second. This particular monster has a double strike ability it is not just applied on the ranged attack but it also has a melee attack and that is why it can be useful for me because there is a fire & regret ability in the battle so that melee attack can be useful in this battle

    Third position: Used Axemaster at third position. This Monster has a double strike ability also it has a 3 attack, 4 speed, and 6 health so this is a powerful combination to attack the enemy I can see this is a great attacker and 3rd position is the best for this particular monster.

    Fourth position: Merdhampir Is here and this monster has good attacks, health, and speed but the most important thing is it has a life leach ability which makes this particular monster different than other cards in this team so that is why I have decided to take this monster at 4th position.

    Fifth position: Crustacean king is here and this is the most important monster in the team because of the tank heal ability. it has one attack, one speed, and four health but the most important thing is going to be a heal this is going to heal the first monster.

    Sixth position: Cornealus is taken in the last place. This is also a mighty monster it has a three attack, three speeds, and twelve health means it’s the monster with the highest health count as well as it has a heal ability which will make this card stronger.

    The Battle

    let's start a battle

    Round 1 - I lost Kulu Swimhunter by pelacor arbalest's attack.

    Round 2 - I lost Drybone Raider by anachron bolter's attack.
    *Opponent lost pelacor arbalest by axemaster return fire.
    *I lost axemaster by venari crystalsmith's attack.

    Round 3 - I lost Merdhampir by venari crystalsmith's attack.

    Round 4 - I lost Crustacean king by anachron bolter's attack.
    *Opponent lost venari marksrat by cornealus return fire.

    Round 5 - Opponent lost venari crystalsmith by cornealus return fire.

    Round 6 - Opponent lost supply runner by cornealus return fire.

    Round 7 - Opponent lost anachron bolter by cornealus return fire.

    Round 8


    Round 23 - No loss

    Round 24 - Opponent lost war pegasus due to fatigue

    I WIN

    So this is the longest battle and I hope you enjoyed this battle. Please share this post on social media and also do not forget to add tags like #play2earn and #splinterlands. do a comment below and new users join splinterlands under me the refferal links is provided below. have a nice day.

    Thank you

    Lucky Ali

    Image source 1, 2


    185300304_441507187470261_6630906744872723300_n-removebg-preview.pngHi I am lucky ali from gujarat, india. I am a crypto enthusiast, blogger, and SEO developer. I am always interested in learning new things and getting new experiences. You can find me on hive, twitter and discord (Lucky Ali#6343). Sharing is caring, Thank you hive family ♥


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