This life is very precious, ephemeral and fragile ...|| Week: 200

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Everyone writes their own book of life.

    Today, Galen, I celebrate reaching the 200th week , of the weekend engagement, with a good attitude, positive, without falling into excesses of joy, and a smile. Doing what I like to do, working, transforming the lives of others through my talent.

    The purpose of my life.

    Depends on the family, economic and social belief system of the place where you were born, apart from your family genetic load.

    This is not the same life purpose for an individual born in Iceland, as that of Africa.

    However, I share the respect for life, to love and be loved, and to have offspring to whom to pass on the legacy. I were raised to be educated, independent, with ideals of justice, empathy, equity, generosity, self-confident, with the tools to build a peaceful life with happiness.

    From then on it was up to us to interpret in free will the purpose of my live.

    I am strengthened and grateful to life for the trials, errors, decisions, opportunities, tears, sweat and laughter, which has led me to have my personal success, which continues to strengthen who I am today by showing me that I have the strength, determination, patience and desire to deal with the challenges it puts before me.

    However, we all share the respect for life, to love and be loved, and to have offspring to whom to pass on the legacy.

    Giving me the opportunity to reconnect with love, to continue feeding my heart with the treatment of beautiful, positive and smiling people.

    Life is and will always be EMPOWERING in all people, no matter what age you are, the important thing is the desire to learn, from every breath, every moment, to walk towards my existence and every opportunity that guides my steps to the purpose in keeping my soul and my body full and without harming anyone.

    It is not only to walk well through life, it is also to leave a mark of your existence to encourage others! Life is ephemeral and fragile, but may our passage through it leave eternal and profound traces in the world and in the souls that knew us.

    The design of life is not always easy, but the purpose it has is always worth it, no matter what happens, every step I take today goes in the direction of having a life, which always reminds me that it is much better to be exhausted by so much effort and learning than to be tired of doing absolutely nothing.

    If I die tomorrow, I will take nothing with me, everything is temporary that's why I enjoy and am grateful for my life.

    I keep adding my grain of sand Galen, to build a world at least the one around me in values, in the face of so many mental health problems that are in my environment every day.

    This story continues as long as I have life...



    Icons by: Icofinder

    Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

    Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

    Translation with |DeepL

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