Silver Bloggers Template

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Well, Well, Well - Guess What Happened Today? ..

    If you guessed we won the lottery, then you guessed wrong .. Although maybe we did win the lottery - The 'Awesome News Lottery' that is. So this morning I woke up and it was pretty dark out. I was preparing to leave to go into the office when I took a quick look at the Cattleya Orchid. The flower bud appeared swollen and plump, but really not much different than the day before.

    This is what the flower bud looked like this morning - Plump reddish flower bud


    Well, about an hour or so later .. My wife texted me with a picture of the flower beginning to open up!!! It was a super exciting moment and I was so thankful that she took a look and sent me the photo. It just made my day. It wasn't fully open, but it was working it's way toward the big event, and wasting no time doing so.

    This is the shot she took and sent to me - Partially opened flower


    I left work a little early today .. And did not stop at the grocery (probably something I will regret when I have nothing to eat tomorrow) like I usually do on the way home. Oh well, it will just have to wait, because I am just dying to see this flower. Let me say that the orchid is not a very rare one.. that's not why I am making such a big deal over this. Rather it is just nice to have something different bloom as well as this is our first Cattleya Orchid, and the first time it is blooming.



    I wasn't sure the conditions in our home would be right for a Cattleya .. I guess I shouldn't of worried so much about that. Seems like she likes our home just fine and is also rewarding us with a little beauty for taking such good care of her over the last year.

    What A Beautiful Flower!

    Only one flower this time around .. But I am NO WAY complaining about that. I know this Cattleya Orchid is only a baby plant and she has a bunch more growing to do. After many more years of care and TLC, I am sure her blooming display will be even more showy. I am loving this deep red color with a tinge of yellow there at the very center, where the lip (large flute shaped petal at the middle) is attached.

    I moved the plant into the direct sun so that everyone can get a good look at this awesome red display of color




    More Flowers To Come ???

    I am not sure but I noticed something else today .. I noticed that the newest pseudobulb has something neat going one too. I had noticed that it formed a flower sheath about a month ago. I was assuming that it would bloom from this next year, from what I was reading online. Well today that flower sheath split open revealing what appears to be a pair of flower buds.



    Not sure yet if they are going to grow and bloom as well, or just wait until next year. If they bloom too I may just die with excitement. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.. so maybe I'll just get really, REALLY excited.

    Time will tell

    Singapore Silver?!

    Maybe I will get so excited that I will be willing to purchase these pure silver Orchid coins.. Haha. Probably not though. I think the premium on these coins is just a little to rich for my blood. At almost $128.00/oz USD, I think I'll just paint a few myself. I probably won't do that either, so I may just wait for @silversaver888 to buy the set and I will admire her coins. hehehe. Seriously though, I like the idea but not the cost. I can think of several other ways to spend the stacking money at this point.



    Photo credits - First Coin Company

    I would have considered them at about $300 to $350 for the set, but not $1279.90 USD. Uggggg. But if someone is looking for a (very expensive) belated birthday gift, I would gladly accept. lol.

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    Have a good night!

    I'll keep ya posted on the other flower buds!

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    Thank you for swinging by my blog and checking out the post. Have a great day!

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    All words, pictures and art pieces are the sole property of B D Miller Gallery, unless otherwise noted and credited, and are not to be reproduced or copied without the prior written consent of B D Miller Gallery.

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