My Actifit Report Card: April 23 2024

in voilk β€’Β  3 months ago

    Hello fellow Actifiters and good day to you all 😊


    Today my morning started quite gloomy, it was dark, cloudy and cold. It looked to me it was gonna rain and then it did. Honestly I was so happy coz it hasn't rained for months now due to the "El NiΓ±o" phenomenon where we experience extreme heat. Sadly though to my dismay the rain only lasted a few minutes πŸ˜… As I was doing my rounds I saw these group of police officers in training doing some jogging around our town. I haven't this for a while now so I thought it was interesting. It was honestly a good idea since it was cold so exercising would keep their bodies warm 😁


    After an hour or so the gloomy weather suddenly vanished and the sun horrors are beginning once again 🀣 Since my route for today was going to the mountains again for a bike climb you will see farm animal from time to time blocking the roads. Just like today I came by a road with this huge goat blocking the middle of the road πŸ˜… It didn't look aggressive so it was fine and I could honestly just pass through it no problem. The issue there is when you pass by and it suddenly moves... See the rope in it's neck? yeah that's the issue if it moves and the rope blocks your path you'll get into a serious accident. Luckily for me I'm using a bike so it's not a huge problem but it might cause me to fall and I don't want that so I just carefully tried to pass it by and took a picture of it 🀣


    After my bike ride to the mountains I decided to cool myself down in our wharf (thank you sea breeze 😍) as I was chillin I saw this fisherman who looked like he had a "Me Problem" he was just sitting there at the back/tip of his boat doing nothing πŸ˜… I was observing him for a few minutes and nothing he just stares at the vast ocean and not making a move. It felt gloomy and interesting so I took my camera and got a shot of him πŸ˜… What really amazes me though is how is he balancing the boat when the only the back side is heavy while the front is obviously tilted upwards 😱 It looked quite dangerous to me to say the least. Well I'm pretty sure he knows how to swim but if the boat capsized it wouldn't be pretty now doesn't it? πŸ˜…

    Anyways guys this is all for me today. I'm so tired that I just want to go to bed now. Till tomorrow guys. Cheers!


    All Photo's shown above are all taken and owned by me personally unless stated otherwise
    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Cycling, Daily Activity

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