Wrackoo's Healer | Holozing fanart!

in voilk •  4 months ago


    I'm here to share a new fanart with you guys. It's been a while since I painted a forest healer fanart so I decided to do that today. When it comes to the forest healer I must choose the naughty Wrackoo's as her little guards. Last time I painted her resting on the grass in a forest. This time I decided to put her in the water, not just any water, I mean glowing water like you seen in Avatar and life of Pie movies. This glowing water will be light source I will use to render the character. I was searching for a reference based on this and I found one which fits my idea from Pinterest. As you can see the lighting is very unique here so I wanted to test my skills and this is how it came out!

    Wrackoo's Healer!


    The Process


    • Made a rough sketch first and added the healer clothes and accessories.


    • Made a clean lineart from it and painted in the base colours


    • Rendered the eyes at this point by adding highlights and shadows with respect to the source of light. Also painted in the darker skin shades.


    • Began rendering the skin at this point.


    • Added highlights on her skin and rendered the lips as well. I began painting the hair strands at this point.


    • Refined the hair strands a bit more.


    • Added darker hair stands and highlights on her hair based on the source of light.


    • Using an airbrush on an add layer I added a glow on her hair.


    • Started working on her top at this point. Layed down the darker shades on her clothes.


    • Blended some areas of the clothes and added light shades on the top using a textured brush and airbrush. Went back to the skin layer and added shadows created by the clothes.


    • Started working on the watery background at this point. Painted in the ripples and concentrated more on lighter ripples because of the glow it produces. Also added some plants nearby.


    • Based on the light source I shaded the plants accordingly.


    • Added some more details on the plants and blurred some sections


    • Started painting the base colours of our Wrackoos at this point.


    • Shaded them according to the light source and also added ripples near them to show they are swimming.

    The Result


    I finally painted her necklace and head accessory. Added some light orbs around the atmosphere to make it feels magical. Finally ai refined the painting a bit more and it was done :)

    Official Art



    Source: Holozing

    App used: Ibis paint x

    Duration: 8hrs

    Device: Oppo pad air tab

    For more Holozing updates follow their official twitter handle

    Thank you so much for your time 😊

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