Kiddie Nail Art Day

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Today is pamper your kid day for us. The little person saw that I had my nails done by my sister last month and so she wanted to experience the same. It's our free day Friday so we don't have study time, we don't have assignments, only a day of exploration and fun.

    Off we went to Makati at CE Nail Bar Manila to have you littlr lady's nails done. She already has a design in mind so as soon as we got there, my sister got to work right away.


    The design she requested was small black hearts with white background. My sister was happy to oblige. The little lady looks so excited about the special pampering day she's about to experience.

    Of course, we had to let Tatay know what we wanted to do first. He's not into anything about make up, nail polish, or accessories. He likes everything as natural as can be. He always assures the little one that she is beautiful even without those. And she knows it by heart but still she jusg wanted to experience having her nails done.


    I listened to them talk about it and they have come to an agreement that she will have this done just once as this is not a necessity. To which she agreed. And I am so proud of her because when my sister asked her when would be her next sessions she told her that maybe when she's a grown up and she needs to go to a party, that's her next nail art session.

    I totally don't mind it really, but she is clear that she just want to see how her nails would look like with the design. And she clearlynis really happy about it.


    It's such a great coincidence that this all happened during the International Women's day. I'd like to view today as a day of women empowerment. I am raising a woman of the future and I'd like to make sure that she will go out into the world fully empowered and confident that she is beautiful inside and out. I want her to experience self love and self pampering and not feel guilty about it. I want her to enjoy life as a young woman not waiting for validation from anyone, not even from her parents.

    Today she experienced the freedom to express how she feels and to say what she want and how she wants it done. I watched her talk to her aunt explaining her vision of the design she wanted to have. I know it's just a small thing right now. But hey, great things always start from small and humble beginnings. I am happy that as early as now, she is trained how to be articulate with her ideas.


    After her nail art session ended, she was happy with the result. She paid for the services using her allowance. It's part of her real world training that if she wants something she either has to work for it.l, or pay for it. She also remembered to give a tip. I remember she asked me why I left money on the table the last time we went out on a date. I explained to her the idea of giving tips to the waiters and customer service people whenever appropriate. I guess that stuck with her because she asked me if she needed to give a tip and how much she should give. I told her if she's happy with the outcome, it is only fair to give a tip, and it is totally up to her, in this situation, how much she wants to give.

    I am also do happy about today's outcome. If you are in Makati, Philippines and wants have your nails done, just send a message to CE Nail Bar Manila to book an appointment.


    Copy of Nanay Romeski (4 x 1.5 in) (2.5 x 1.5 in) (2 x 1 in) (3 x 1 in) (4 x 3 in) (2.5 x 1.5 in) (3 x 1.5 in).png

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