The Ink Well Prompt #24 - The Chase

in voilk •  5 days ago

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    "Amara Ogini! (what's wrong)" Chika called out to her friend who was running like she was being chased by something from her family's yam stall. She had known Amara to be quick on her feet but this time it felt different. It felt like someone or something was chasing her.

    "I'll explain later but for now I need you to hide me, please" Amara replied with bated breath as she got closer to her friend. Slipping in between two bargaining traders, who didn't forget to curse at her but she paid no attention neither did she apologise. She just wanted to escape the hefty men after her.

    "Here, hide here" Chika said, pulling her friend behind a huge barn of yams and covering her up with a wrapper. "Lay still and don't talk."

    Amara did as she was told. She held her breath at the same time straining her ear to hear when her oppressors were close.

    “Hey you, have you seen a girl come this way? She had a red scarf on” Amara heard a deep coarse familiar voice ask. It was the men after her

    "Girl what girl?" Chika asked, her face filled with innocence and ignorance of what they were talking about.

    The men looked at each other.

    "Or do you want to buy yam?" Chika asked with so much zeal.

    The two hefty men grunted and moved on. Their heavy footsteps faded into the market noise. Chika waited a little longer before pulling her friend out of her hiding place.

    "Okay, enough of the secret. What's going on?" She asked angrily and worried too. "Why will such hefty men be after you?"

    "I'll explain later" Amara replied instead of trying to sit on a bench nearby.

    "My friend will you stand up there and talk to me or I'll scream and let those men know you're hiding here" Chika threatened.

    "Calm down I'll tell you" Amara said taking a deep breath, she sat on the bench "They work for Chief Okafor. He thinks I stole something from him.”

    "Did you?"

    "Mba nu! (No!) How can you even think so low of me?" Amara protested looking up to her friend with disbelief. "Chief Okafor thinks and is convinced I stole his precious coral beads"

    "The one he wears on special occasions? That's worth a fortune?"


    Chika paused, she sat beside her friend and apologized "Okay I'm sorry I doubted you but who could do such?"

    "I think I know the person but first I need to clear my head and find a safe place to lay low for the night" Amara replied placing her head in her palms. She was exhausted from running.

    "You can stay here at the stall and cover up just the way I did. Nobody will know that you're here" Chika offered, tapping her friend slowly at the back.

    "Imela (Thank you)".

    Slowly, as the sun began to set, as darkness overshadowed the light. Amara found herself all alone in the market. Hiding inside Chika's stall. The thick scent of fried akara and fresh palm wine plus the loud chattering of the market women all died down.

    Amara later on the hard, cold floor. She couldn't sleep. She needed to find those beads and clear her name. She thought of Mr Okafor's irresponsible son, Obinna who she had seen regularly stealing from his father. She knew it must be him.

    She decided to find him the next morning, but that meant sneaking into Chief Okafor's compound. It was risky, but she didn't care. She was willing to take the risk to clear her name.

    The next morning, Amara set out to find Obinna. She cautiously sneaked into the compound, with her eyes darting through every corner for any sign of danger. Luckily, she found Obinna sitting alone in the garden, a worried expression on his face.

    “Obinna,” she called softly, walking up to him.

    "Jesus! Amara, you scared me. Ogini? (What are you doing here?)” Obinna asked, startled and nearly falling out of his chair.

    “You need to return the coral beads,” Amara replied instead.

    “I…I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Obinna stammered, his face gradually becoming pale. He stood up and tried walking away but Amara held him back.

    "You clearly don't know how to lie. I know you took those beads, Please, your father thinks I stole them but I'm innocent. Help me clear my name " Amara pleaded.

    Obinna opened his mouth to talk again but nothing was forthcoming. "Fine, I took them. But I never knew it would escalate to this extent. I thought since my father is rich he'll buy a new one after days of searching for it. Besides I just wanted to get back at my father for denying me this month's allowance but just this morning he gave me my allowance and now I feel bad.”

    “Please tell him the truth. I can’t keep running forever ”Amara said, her heart pounding with a mix of relief and anger. But she held back on the anger. How can a son be so foolish to steal from his father, she asked herself. How does he find joy in that? She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

    Obinna nodded. “I’ll do it.”

    True to his word, Obinna confessed to his father. Chief Okafor was furious, but he reluctantly called off his men. Amara was finally free, her name cleared.

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