Mono Monday at the port

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Mono Monday at the port

    Good Morning another weekend has flown by, wishing you all a good week

    I am stiking with my habit of sharing some mono shots on Mondays and today I will share a few shots from a visit to the port the other mornings, finally the weather has warmed up a little and I have headed out for early morning walks, its really bossted my mindset I must say

    Starting with this shot taken at the back of the Seastreal ferry terminal building

    Looking across at some of the commercial fishing boats and that strange boat with the tall towers, I am not sure what it does but it sure grabs one attention

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    Sony A7iv 17mm F11 1/20 Sec ISO 100
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    Next up we have the McKinley commercial fishing boat

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    Sony A7iv 17mm F11 1/20 Sec ISO 100
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    I shot i often take of some boats docked in the port, when the water is still its a cool shot for reflections which I do love wasnt so still the other day but i thought this worked well in mono

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    Sony A7iv 21mm F11 1/8 Sec ISO 100
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    Walking out on one of the piers the tall support structure sonthe boats always look so cool to me,

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    Sony A7iv 17mm F11 1/15 Sec ISO 100
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    The Tall ship the Ernestina Morrisey always catcheds my eye,it has an interesting history which I have shared inother posts, but this time I went with a more moody edit of it

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    Sony A7iv 17mm F11 1/20 Sec ISO 100
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    And ot finish off one of the drums many of the commercial fishing boats have, often with a net rolle dup on it, this one didnt have a net not sure if they were working on it or if the net was off for someother reason

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    Sony A7iv 22mm F11 1/2 Sec ISO 100
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    And that’s all folks

    unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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