in voilk •  3 months ago

    Each day presents itself with new ideas, opportunities, insights that we have never knew no or yet aware of even though it's not new. We humans are lifelong learners because there is no end to learning as there are different things to learner based on the phase of life one is. For me, i believe there is nothing too difficult to learn even if new though it might come with some challenges which can be overcommed if we don't give up.

    One thing that was easy for me to learn in life was how to be dilligent with whatsoever thing one is doing and this was inculcated in me right from my childhood as a young boy. I grew up amidst a dilligent and revered family with my parents been educators (teachers) themselves working with the government. Therefore, i saw how diligent they were with their works and also, this dilligence imparts on their life of devotion, commitment, punctuality etc even in Church (been of Christian faith) and in various societies/organisations they were both in.

    I remembered as a young boy, i will do my homework (assignments) when i gets home under the supervision of my dad. Also, he will take me to school right on time and rarely do i ever come late to school. I saw how my mum too wakes up early, gets us ready early for the day and makes sure we are engaged with various things of productive imparts which we must account for during the day. By seeing the dilligence in my parents at what they do or commited to their hands including my siblings even though been the last born, i became dilligent in things i do and i learnt it easily by observation and practice which later helped me in life in my academics, career, family and in all i do.

    One thing that was so difficult for me to learn is how to cram things in verbatim. I find cramming things difficult because rather than doing that, I prefer to understand that thing and put it in my own words. But then, i discover that some courses, lecturers, teachers loves answering them in verbatim and this involved cramming. This made such courses and lectures difficult to learn for me but i learnt them by using something called mnemonics and giving more time to study such courses and gesticulating while reading such courses. So whenever i have such courses especially during my undergraduate days, i give such course needed attention and face it right early before test and exams as lecturers have their preferences.

    By my comparison of these two experiences, i came to the awareness of myself as someone who has something unique and special to offer my world by the virtue of the training i received on dilligence as it is evident anywhere i go by my approach to things which paved a way into leadership for me anywhere i find myself. Also, i came into the knowledge of my inate ability and desire for uniqueness through rounded understanding because once i understand something in a rounded form, bringing others into this same knowledge became easy, hence a potential mentor/leader in my chosen career and interests. Thank you for reading.

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