Asean Hive Community Challenge #95: My Favorite Fruits

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hello everybody,

    Of all fruits, my favorite is Durian. My family especially hubby respect my want to eat Durian even if they do not like, hahaha! I keep some in the fridge and ate inside the van, even if they do not like the odor.


    In our neighborhood someone is selling fruit using their car, they sell fruits house to house. They passed by our lot even though they knew we have so many dogs, they knew that hubby orders two or three Durian fruits so I can eat them. Even when we travel, my son, our driver pass by Durian stall and bought the Durian for me.


    I am very grateful that they respect my cravings with this bad smell fruit, ahahaha.

    My 2nd favorite fruit is Dragon Fruit, the red/ or maroon variety.



    We even travel to the mountain and visited the Dragon Fruit Farm.


    We were amazed with their farm because that time all Dragon Fruit plant post were bearing fruits plus we were served with their unique Dragon Fruit Shake and Empanada.



    It was a perfect snacks, sooo yummy. That is why we always visit the farm.

    Next in line are Avocadoes. We even travel to the mountainous Barangay here in our island just to buy this fruit.


    With this fruit I learned a lesson not to judge the fruit with it's cover. Like this one, the inside is so beautiful, not hairy like the others. Thus, when in season I made them into ice cream Avocado. Before I combined with condense milk but now I combined it with all purpose cream and sugar substitute like equal gold.


    When I was young my mother prepared the avocadoes with milk and sugar, but when we went to Australia in 1995, I learned there from our italian friends that they eat Avocadoes as is or with viand, so, I copied it and eat it now together with meat and eggs.


    And, it's yummy then I told also our Italian friends that we eat Avocados with milk and sugar, they say it was interesting. We were exchanging cultures.

    Next favorite of mine are Jackfruits either raw to be cooked with coconut milk or the ripe ones. I can even eat the whole meduim size fruit as my dinner alone then drink 7up after.


    Eating the ripe flesh and happy collecting the seeds and cooked them after, a yummy snacks, too.


    Here is another experienced of mine. Before I've heard that Jack fruit plant bear fruit about 5 to 10 yrs but even though we heard this we still plant the jackfruit seeds in our lot and recorded the date. Do you know that what they say is false because the Jackfruit we planted have fruit already in one year and we eat the first ripe fruit one week after, Hooray! Do not believed what they say, try to experiment on your own.Another lesson learned in life.

    Next is the Coconut fruit. Whenever we travelled South of our Island, we passed by the place Tan awan where they sell yummy fresh Buko or Coconut Fruit. They have this ready made coconut water with milk and sugar that is refreshing drink. While hubby eat the flesh and not much water to avoid the blood sugar level up.



    Some sellers they combined the coconut water with orange drink and some biscuits like sky flakes, I've tasted it, also yummy, sold out especially during summer time.

    Of course another favorite is the papaya fruit which abundant here in our place, but we never planted it it just grew all around our property. The birds planted them, we are most grateful to them. That is why every week I made Papaya ice cream.


    Then during summer time seasonal fruits abound here in our neighborhood you cannot find in fruit stalls. We are lucky young boys sell them to us like this Cireguelas we call locally. I let the Picture This app identify the fruits it is called Jacote or Hog plums, Ciruela, Purple mombin, Spanish plug and Cierula.


    When ever I see this fruit memories flash back when we were young ones with my cousins we enjoyed climbing the Cireguelas tree of our grandfathers plant and ate the fruits up the tree while we made the branches as our swing! What a happy memories.

    And, this Lomboy fruit we call it. Young boys climb the trees, gather the fruits and sell the fruits in our neighborhood. We placed the fruits into two plates and rock it, the fruits bump each other so the fruit becomes soft with little salt, then we eat them after eating, funny our teeth or mouth becomes purple, and get the mirror, laugh and laugh at our own self, hahaha. A joker fruits, indeed.

    Another fave fruit of mine is the fruit we call locally as Caimito or Starapple. The fruit have to varieties the green and purple variety, my fave is the purple one, the white flesh is so juicy.


    When in abundance we make an ice cream out of this fruit we first take out the seeds.

    Last but not the least, the banana fruit that grows abundantly in here in our island. I like to eat the ripe fruit raw or cook.



    Here in our city, many sell grilled bananas like this...


    But, I buy them with out the sugar.
    And, banana cue, every corner here in our Barangay sell this and in front of the schools because it is affordable and can really suppress hunger, students or almost everyone like banana cue just like me now it is my mid afternoon snacks paired with coffee or young ones with cold softdrinks.


    Oh, before I forget...I have a favorite fruit in my elementary days that I seldom see this days we call it Bignay Fruit.It is sold outside the school placed on banana leaves.


    These are all my fave fruit hope you have tasted it, too.

    Thanks for dropping by ...


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