the power of black and whites linked to good and evil

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Wallace Chuck
    In a world where we have vibrant colors on the lot of shade there is something beautiful about how simple and how clear black and whites offers. Beyond how visually appealing black-and-white images can be, black and whites hold a far more deeper
    importance, especially when it comes to us understanding good and evil. I would like to show us all how things in black-and-white can give us a better perspective on how beautiful things can be.

    Black and white doesn’t only show how beautiful things can be. In reality, it also represents light and darkness, good and evil etc
    Black and white shows our flaws as well as our strengths, it gives us the clarity of being our self. So in as much as black and white represents beauty, it also represents our flaws, strength and how we pick ourself up after we have fallen.

    Untitled design.png

    Black and white also helps us in making decisions faster when you do things in black-and-white, you’re able to examine them better and check their closeness with our ethics and moral codes.
    I also helps us to know the difference between right and wrong ,evil and good faster and gives us a stronger sense of integrity.
    Trust me, if you’re able to embark on this journey in seeing everything in black-and-white, it helps us in our decision making and gives us more confidence to do things the right way.

    Marina M

    If you can wholeheartedly start thinking in black and white, it makes you take more responsibility for your actions and understand the importance of every decision taken and the consequences it has. And it’s helps you take whatever responsibility there is with the outcome. This helps us to act and make every decision carefully, so as to not make the wrong decision. So by acknowledging black and white, in reference to good and evil, it helps with our moral obligation to our self and to others.

    Andrey Grushnikov

    As we accept the power of black and white, it is important to remember that things as we see it exist often in shades of gray. Things as we expect them to be are almost never as straightforward as the initially appear. So knowing and accepting this allows us to be thankful of the subtleties of things as we see them.

    Kate Branch

    So to conclude this, I will say, there are a lot of experience to be gathered in the world, and differentiating between good and evil can be hard but with careful consideration and thinking it can be done.
    Let us also not forget that the best way to see things is in black and white.

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