A Day at the Friday Market in Barangay Mansilingan, Bacolod City

in voilk •  5 months ago


    For this #MarketFriday by @dswigle, let me share the market here at Baranggay Mansilingan, Bacolod City, which comes with a unique vibrancy, almost palpable, that promises an experience far removed from the usual. On this particular day, the otherwise quiet and laid-back pace of the barangay is transformed. It’s market day— a weekly affair eagerly anticipated not just by the locals but by anyone lucky enough to stumble upon this charming enclave of culture, cuisine, and camaraderie.


    As I make my way towards the market, the streets start to show signs of life as early as dawn. Vendors, with their bountiful produce, skillfully navigate through the narrow paths, finding their designated spots, setting up their makeshift stalls with such efficiency and speed that one could only marvel. It’s a routine perfected over years, a dance familiar to those who call this place home.


    The first thing that hits you is the smell—a rich tapestry of aromas that seem to tell stories of their own. There's the inviting scent of freshly-baked pandesal from a nearby panaderia mingling with the earthy aroma of vegetables still dew-kissed from the morning's embrace. Fruits, vibrant and colorful, line the stalls in such abundance that they look like jewels under the early morning sun.


    It’s not just a feast for the eyes but for the senses.

    Walking through the market is like navigating a living museum of Mansilingan's culinary heritage. One can find everything from the humble yet indispensable garlic and onions to the more exotic offerings that speak of the Philippines' rich biodiversity. But it’s not just the ingredients that make this market special; it’s the dishes they transform into. Kansi, a local Ilonggo dish reminiscent of sinigang but made distinct by batuan fruit, tempts visitors with its tangy, savory broth. Batchoy, another local favorite, promises warmth and satisfaction with every slurp.

    It's impossible to ignore the camaraderie that permeates the air, as palpable as the humidity that envelopes the Philippines. Here, transactions go beyond the exchange of goods for currency. Stories are shared over the exchange of coins; life updates are traded along with recipes. The market serves as a community hub, a place where connections are made and strengthened.


    But Baranggay Mansilingan's market day is not just about food. It’s a kaleidoscope of life’s essentials and pleasures. Clothes, handcrafted jewelry, toys, and even household items find their space amidst the culinary abundance. Each alley and stall hold potential treasures waiting to be discovered by discerning eyes.


    Wandering through the stalls, my stomach reminded me of its presence with a well-timed growl. How could I resist the temptation of the delicious snacks around me? There were stands selling everything from sweet treats to savory bites. I indulged in some mouth-watering snacks, savoring each bite as I continued my exploration. The food not only satisfied my hunger but also gave me a burst of energy to delve deeper into the market.

    After satisfying my food cravings, my attention shifted towards the clothing stalls that dotted the market. It wasn't long before I stumbled upon a stall that caught my eye with its display of dresses, t-shirts, and shorts. The colorful patterns and variety of styles were enticing. As I rifled through the clothes, I found myself charmed by the uniqueness and quality of the pieces. It was clear that the sellers took pride in their offerings, and their warmth and eagerness to showcase their products added to the overall experience.

    I ended up picking a beautiful dress that seemed perfect for the sunny weather, a couple of t-shirts with catchy prints that resonated with my personality, and a pair of shorts that looked as comfortable as they were stylish. Each piece felt like it was adding something special to my wardrobe, and I was thrilled with my finds.


    As the day wears on, the crowd thickens, a testament to the market's allure. Laughter and chatter rise above the din, creating a melody unique to this place, this moment. Children run around with cotton candy in hand, their joy uncontained and infectious. The elderly sit in shaded corners, watching the world go by, their presence a comforting constant in the ever-changing tapestry of life.


    When the sun begins its descent, signaling the end of market day, there’s a collective sigh of contentment. Feet weary from walking, hands full of bags brimming with the day's finds, hearts full from the day's encounters—this is the quintessential Baranggay Mansilingan market day experience. As I make my way home, I can't help but feel grateful for this weekly tradition that continues to bring the community together, offering a taste of the simple yet rich life in Bacolod City. Here, in the heart of Mansilingan, every Friday is a celebration of life's beautiful, fleeting moments.

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