在咖啡店悠閒的午後 / On a lazy afternoon at the coffee shop

in voilk •  4 months ago


    這幾年來,越來越多年輕民眾喜歡喝咖啡,聽說很多 30歲以下年輕人,夢想開一間咖啡廳或咖啡店,提供一個溫馨舒服的環境,讓客人可以用浪漫的心情「喝咖啡,聊是非」,也可以滿足自己的老闆夢,也有些年輕人,本身就是咖啡愛好者,因為在市面上喝不到自己理想的咖啡,於是就自己打造理想與浪漫兼具的獨立咖啡店,提供獨特的服務和氛圍,我還聽說有些人,打造咖啡店是為了提供音樂或藝術同好,一個可以線下交流的地方,除了賣咖啡之外,可能會舉辦音樂表演、藝術展覽或是讀書會等活動。



    在這個熱鬧喧囂的世界裡,偶爾停下腳步,聆聽自己內心的聲音,或許是一種奢侈,但也是必要的,我點開 spotify 的音樂串流,聽著我熟悉的旋律,喝著手中的招牌咖啡,我仿佛置身於一個屬於自己的小天地,遠離了喧囂,美妙的音符在耳邊緩緩盤旋,手中的招牌咖啡散發出濃濃的咖啡香,好一個悠閒的午後啊。

    In recent years, there's been a growing trend among young people to love drinking coffee. I've heard that many folks under 30 dream of opening their own coffee shop, creating a cozy atmosphere where customers can enjoy their coffee and chat with a romantic vibe. Some young people are coffee enthusiasts themselves, dissatisfied with the coffee options available and deciding to craft their own ideal café, blending romance and uniqueness. Others aim to establish coffee shops as places for music or art lovers to gather offline, offering not just coffee but also hosting events like music performances, art exhibitions, or book clubs.

    There's this café I often pass by, conveniently located on my way home. It has a clean and minimalist exterior, but I've never really considered going in for a cup of coffee. Coffee isn't a necessity for me; I'm not one of those people who need it every day to wake up. As I like to say, I'm not a foodie, and I can't discern between good and bad coffee—I just need it to not taste awful. Whenever I do go to a café, it's usually for social gatherings with friends or to catch up on work in a different setting, or simply to have some time to myself.

    One afternoon, feeling restless at home, I decided to go for a walk. As I wandered, I stumbled upon this familiar-looking café. I figured, why not give it a try? I ordered their signature coffee, found an empty table, and took in the surroundings. The ground floor was relatively quiet, but the second floor seemed livelier. There was a couple at one table, lost in their own little world of love, and at another table, it seemed like there was a book club discussion underway, lively and engaging. It was a heartening sight, knowing that everyone there was engaged in something meaningful, not just passing the time.

    In this bustling world, taking a moment to pause and listen to your own thoughts is a luxury, yet a necessity. As I opened Spotify and listened to my favorite tunes, sipping on the café's signature coffee, I felt like I was in my own little sanctuary, away from the noise, with beautiful melodies swirling around me and the aroma of coffee enveloping me. What a leisurely afternoon it was.

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