Counter Strike Running on Sega Dreamcast Work in Progress

in voilk •  last month

    If you know the name Counter Strike then you probably were gaming when the Sega Dreamcast came out. For many of us, this latest announcement is a dream come true. I was naive on game development back then so thinking something that just released like Counter Strike could run on a Dreamcast was par for the course. I was a gamer first, enjoying the miracle work of others, still am just now I have a better understanding of console limitations.

    An Amazing Work in Progress

    I am not going to bore you with the details here, that rabbit hole is wide open for those that wish to dive in. My goal is just alert fans of this amazing work in progress.

    There are some details I want to mention. The currently available videos, according to Time Extension, new games and assets could be added as long as they are capable of fitting in the limited memory of the Sega Dreamcast.

    That means we are not going to be able to use the commercial CD for something like say, Quake and copy over assets to the Dreamcast (CD/Mem card/etc) and play. There is quite a bit of work to do behind the scenes to make compatible games/assets.

    What is shown already is beyond amazing.

    Your Rabbit Hole Awaits

    This is a very early version of the port. If Falco Girgis (damn near programming deity gets excited, you are onto something.

    Others to check out for more technical and other peeks behind the scenes include; Swat-DC (creator of DreamShell for Dreamcast and LobotomyDC (the person that I first saw covering Counter Strike on DC.

    If you choose to jump into the rabbit hole, you are going to have your mind blown at all the cool things going on. If you are a programmer looking to get into the Sega Dreamcast, these creators are a great kick off to that.

    For others like me, they are amazing sources of information on what is being worked on. We just have to be patient as making magic takes time.

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