Current Obsessions (WE 191)

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Weekend Experiences Prompt

    What are you obsessed with and why? Answer and explain one for the present and one from your past. Remember to use your own photos.

    As a person who is clinically diagnosed with OCD, I tend to be generally obsessive with many things in life. This can be both detrimental and productive. While my neurodivergence has more to do with safety, rather than interests, I still tend to go through phases where I'm hyper-fixated on something that piques my interest.

    My Long-Time Obsession:
    I've always been obsessed with Martha Stewart. I've been a huge fan ever since I started subscribing to her magazine in high school. She is a huge inspiration to me for numerous reasons: From her elegant, yet intrepid, style to her tactful, yet assertive, personality. She's a hardworking businesswoman who still knows how to have a good time. Her unabashed thirst traps with a martini in her hand at the age of 80 are truly inspiring. Lately, I've become even more obsessed with her since I learned that after she got divorced and was a single mom, she focused solely on her business rather than finding another husband. I find myself wondering if I should make the same decision as a single mom, so her story is all the more inspiring.

    My Current Obsession:
    I'm currently going through another Poldark phase because it's just such an amazing show. I finished all five seasons months ago, so I'm starting back at Season One. I love everything about this show: The 18th Century setting of Cornwall, England. Aidan Turner with his shirt off. The rivalry and drama between the characters. The plot twists. Aidan Turner in his tricorn hat. The poignant narrative. The intense duals. Aidan Turner galloping on a horse along the rugged Cornwall coast. ...The list goes on.

    As my Sunday comes to an end, I look forward to watching my evening episode of Poldark tonight. Thank you for reading my blog⊹♡

    • Laura
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