The Red Pill Token, Community and Project Kickoff

in voilk •  last month


    -MovieClips YouTube, The Matrix 1999

    This is not a community for toxic or hateful content. It is to explore the lies and the control grid that confine and define us today. In the 1999 movie "The Matrix", Morpheus offered Neo his choice of a blue and red pill. Taking the red pill meant that Neo would need to see thr world as it actually was. We plan on posting content about truth, conspiracy, spirituality and life. We will not delve into hateful or diminishing topics associated with other Red Pill groups.


    I created a token on Hive Engine called redpill with symbol TRP that will be released on Monday. It has a total supply of 10,000,000,000 and I will be enabling it's functionality on Monday and will be rewarding those who use the tags #trp #matrix #redpill. This account will curate content using the tags and promote it on the Red Pill Room community.


    I created a community in Hive "The Red Pill Room" that is open to join. Feel free to check it out and begin posting content there. There is a strict no NSFW and no hateful speech requirement. We are here to explore what has happened in our modern society and expose the lies and deception therein.

    Let me know if you want to partner with this project. Thanks for your support.

    Images from Pixabay

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