in voilk •  4 months ago

    In my post in the social media challenge I talked about how to handle the battle rule where all the cards are poisoned and what I used was a red alignment using the IMMUNITY ability of my FORGOTTEN ONE.

    In this case I used a blue alignment using my ANASTH SOOTHSAYER's CLEANSE ability,

    I don't understand why this card isn't used much more, at least in silver and gold, because I haven't faced it as much as I thought given the great power and versatility of this card, which has the great power that if it is not eliminated it will always heal people. your tank since the CLEANSE ability that will remove your tank's AFFLICTION ability will be eliminated so your tank will always be healed so you will never be able to prevent it from being healed unless there is the battle rule that removes healing abilities. Furthermore, in this case it is also very useful in the NOXIOUS FUMES battle rule since the CLEANSE ability will eliminate the poison so your tank will not be poisoned every turn and will also be healed. Without further ado, I will show this battle where the poison was my ally.




    In addition to the battle rule NOXIOUS FUMES where all cards will be poisoned we have.

    RISE OF THE COMMONS which prevents EPIC AND LEGENDARY cards from being used in this battle, although this does not prevent us from using the necessary cards to face the challenge we have in front of us.

    We also have BROOD AND SUNDER, the new battle rule that makes all cards have the CORROSIVE WARD ability. This ability means that when attacked by a card with a melee attack, it reduces its shield by 2, but since all my most important cards are magic attack cards, this ability will not affect me.

    My Team


    This summoner will be a part of the reason for the victory by increasing the magical attack by +1, thus eliminating my opponent faster, and it is level 3 that will activate the healing ability of my ANASTH SOOTHSAYER which will help me to victory.


    This card will be my tank that with its 2 magic attack that becomes 3 due to the summoner, in addition the AFFLICTION ability will be able to block the abilities that heal my opponent's tank, thus making it easier to eliminate my opponent faster.


    This will be another of the cards that will be a great contribution to victory since with its MARTYR ability when dying it will increase all the characteristics, especially life, which is what will help me to defeat my opponent since the poison ability will quickly eliminate to this card so it will die before my two main cards, my ANASTH SOOTHSAYER and my CAPTAIN'S GHOST, giving them at least 1 more turn of life, thus giving them the opportunity to defeat my opponent.


    This card will be fundamental and key to my victory. Without it, it would be more difficult to win in this battle condition, at least with the cards I have in my lineup.

    His CLEANSE ability will remove the poison from my tank and his ability to heal the first position card will prevent the death of my CAPTAIN'S GHOST


    This card will only serve to protect from a possible first attack by an enemy card with SNEAK so it will not be able to damage my ANASTH SOOTHSAYER.


    RONDA 1

    In this round one my enemy attacks my HARDY STONEFISH with his SILENT SHA-VI and only takes away his shield so this card does the job and protected my ANASTH SOOTHSAYER.

    His CURSED WINDEKU attacks my CAPTAIN'S GHOST and leaves him with 3 life since his summoner took -1 life from all my cards.

    I attack his CURSED WINDEKU with all my cards and my magic attack cards only do 3 damage since his summoner takes away the +1 magic attack that my summoner gave them, so I leave him together with 3 ranged attack damage on 7 health.

    RONDA 2

    The turn begins with poison damage to all cards except my CAPTAIN'S GHOST whose poison was removed thanks to my ANASTH SOOTHSAYER.

    The turn begins with poison damage to all cards except my CAPTAIN'S GHOST whose poison was removed thanks to my ANASTH SOOTHSAYER.

    Thus, the poison kills my HARDY STONEFISH and my VENARI MARKSRAT, which upon dying strengthens my ANASTH SOOTHSAYER so much that it will do 2 magical damage and my CAPTAIN'S GHOST, which by increasing its life and attack power will strengthen to achieve victory.


    But I attack first with my ANASTH SOOTHSAYER and with my CAPTAIN'S GHOST his CURSED WINDEKU before he attacks.

    RONDA 3.4 and 5

    The turn 3 begins due to poison damage and the subsequent attack of my CAPTAIN'S GHOST managed to eliminate his SILENT SHA-VI but he managed to attack my CAPTAIN'S GHOST and leave it at 3 health.

    In round 4 again the poison damage and the attack of my CAPTAIN'S GHOST managed to leave his PELACORD DECEIVER at 1 life and he attacked my CAPTAIN'S GHOST and left him at 1 life.

    Then in round 5 his PELACORD DECEIVER is eliminated due to poison damage and thus I manage to beat my opponent.


    In this battle, the key was my ANASTH SOOTHSAYER, who with his CLEANSE ability removed the poison from my CAPTAIN'S GHOST, so this card was not affected by it, while all the rest of mine and my enemy were, thus contributing to his defeat because finalemnet It was the poison that eliminated my opponent, and by regenerating my CAPTAIN'S GHOST it helped him survive until the end.

    Furthermore, when my VENARI MARKSRAT died and raised all the characteristics, above all, the most fundamental thing was the life that if it were not for that I would have lost and also that extra damage contributed to the faster elimination of my enemy's cards.


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