What Drives You?

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Let me break down the concept of self-motivation for you. In simple terms, it is an inner desire that motivates a person to accomplish better and attain their objectives. It's that internal fire that keeps you from just relaxing; it drives you to hustle and achieve your goals.


    For me, self-motivation is critical. It's as if I have an inner force that worries me whenever I'm not making progress in my life. That inner motivation will haunt me if I sit around doing nothing but idling. It will bother me continuously until I face what I'm required to do.

    That kind of inner drive I possess doesn't allow me to just laze around aimlessly. It pushes me to always find ways to grow, learn, and better myself. Even if it's small incremental steps I'm taking, that inner motivation still lets me know that as long as I'm inching forward, that's what matters.

    Another thing that motivates me from within is passion. Once I'm passionate about something, oh it's on! That drive will make me want to give it my absolute all. I'll put in an insane amount of work by any means until I achieve what I want. If it's music, I'll rap like the microphone is my mother's breast. If it's business, I'll hustle like there's a million dollars at my next door neighbor's house.

    And it's not like this self-motivation thing is always smooth sailing either. Sometimes it really shakes me up whenever I slack off or fall short of my own expectations. That inner drive will gnaw at me to do better next time. It will keep me accountable to myself and not allow me to slack off.

    But at the same time, that's what makes me want to keep pushing forward and not give up. Because I know deep down, growth and progress is truly what I want for myself. So anytime that inner fire is burning, it's a sign that I need to recharge and get back on track.

    Another big motivator for me are my personal principles. I have certain values and beliefs that I hold tightly and don't want to violate. Like integrity, honesty, hard work. Once I go against any of those, self-motivation will immediately reprimand me. It won't allow me to rest until I do the right thing.

    At the end of the day, self-motivation is like my inner best friend who always has my back. Even if nobody is encouraging or supporting me, that inner drive still guides me to pursue my dreams and passions. It ensures I'm consistently putting in the work required to reach my goals.

    So if you see me going fast, you'll know it's because of my own motivation. It is pushing me, propelling me to keep working till I attain my goals. It prevents me from being a complacent slacker.

    What I would advise anyone who wants to stay self-motivated is to listen to your inner voice. Your passion, values, aspirations - cling tightly to those and never let them go. Once you do that, you'll find that inner motivation will drive you to achieve great things in life.

    At the end of the day, only I can truly motivate myself. Others can provide some external motivation, but it won't reach the level that I can motivate myself. So let's all pray we have the discipline to consistently push ourselves towards better circumstances.

    Self-motivation is the real MVP! So are you ready to start moving like you've got it too?

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