in voilk •  4 months ago


    Hello actifiters and hello to everyone reading this blog! Before starting this blog, I would like to extend my greetings and gratitude for reading my writing, and hopes that this blog makes your time worth it. I hope that whoever is reading this blog is doing great in life and facing hardships with confidence and perseverance. I hope you have bountiful days ahead! Welcome to my actifit daily miniblog for March 15, 2024.



    Today was one days that you would consider long and draining, a day that would leave you wanting to go to sleep when you get back at your place. It was already 5 in the afternoon when I got back in my boarding house, I was so drained and tired. The reason that I got back late was because of a school activity and it was also the last day to practice the robotic arm since tomorrow is the finally the day where we are going to get graded individually while operating the robotic arm. When I got back at my place, I was already eyeing the pillows in the bed and thinking how much comfortable would I be when I get to sleep on them after I get changed. While doing so, I remembered that I need to workout because it has been days since the last day I've worked out, and I was afraid to start loosing gains. So I decided to go to the gym...

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    As deadly as it sounds, cobra, it packs a good caffeine punch after a few drinks. Cobra energy drink is my favorite drink of all time, even comparing with the normal carbonated drinks, I'd still choose this energy drink every single day. I treat as a pre workout drink, since it contains caffeine and is more affordable. And the flavor is really nice too. One bottle is about 350 ml of the drink, after a brief research, 359 ml of this drink contains 134 mg of caffeine, it also contains taurine and other vitamins like B1, B3, B6 and B12, zinc and vitamin D. I don't really bother so much with the added vitamins in one bottle since if you want the vitamins you can take other multivitamin supplementation for that. Anyways, I really like this drink so much, I have been drinking this since I was in high school. Well, of course only on moderation.

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    Tonigt, muscle group target is the chest and triceps! For the chest exercises, I did 3 chest exercises namely, inclined dumbbell bench press, weighted dips and cable flies. and for the two tricep exercises, I did the usual cable tricep pushdown and overhead tricep extension. Please pardon the poor quality of the picture, since I did not have anyone to take a photo of my pose and it's only an edited screenshot of my video.🥲

    After warming up and also finished some shoulder stretches, I proceeded with my first chest workout. The first chest workout is the inclined dumbbell bench press, for this workout I did 2 sets of 10-12 reps for a 40 lb dumbbells and then 2 sets of 5-8 reps for a 50 lb dumbbell and finished with 2 sets to failure with a 30 lb dumbbells. After finishing this workout I was already feeling a burning sensation in my upper chest, it felt good.

    The second chest exercise that I did tonight was a weighted dips, this is the workout I do when I'm targeting the mid to lower chest area. And also good for the tricep. In this exercise I did a warm-up of body weight dips for 12 reps, then after a 10 second break I added a 15 kg to the belt and did 2 sets of 12 reps. After the two sets, I added another 15 kg plate and proceed with 2 sets of 5-8 reps. And I ended the dips with an until failure set with 10 kg added weight.

    And last but not the least, the thirst chest exercise, cable flies. For this exercise I did a 40 lb weight on each of the cable. The squeeze on the chest was superb during the exercise. For the cable flies, I did 5 sets with 8-12 res for 40 lbs. Both the squeeze and the stretch in the chest was amazing.

    *When you're happy and you know it, cable flies~ *

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    The only post workout meal a student gymrat that's on a budget can afford regularly, one piece chicken and 300 grams of cooked rices. The dipping sauce on this one was a mixture of soy sauce and vinegar and I also had a calamansi juice for a refreshing drink after a workout. I always put it in mind that eating the right amount is as important as working out consistently. As a person who workout regularly must supply his or her body sufficient amount of protein to have a good supply of amino acid for muscle building.

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    I really need to go to sleep now😴. Although it's Saturday I still got class. Huehue. And that is all for today's entry for my actifit daily miniblog for March 15 ,2024. If you ever made it this far in the blog, I hope it meant that you liked and enjoyed reading through it. If you ever find my daily miniblog interesting and you want to read more of my future blog, you can show support by giving me a follow and I'll be sure to follow back. If you have any thoughts in mind about my blogs or any suggestion, I would love to know about it. I hope to see you again in my next blog and thank you for the time, it's much appreciated!

    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Daily Activity, Gym, Walking, Weight Lifting
    175.62 cm
    58.18 kg
    Body Fat

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