New mineral found by china on the moon changesite

in voilk •  5 months ago

    New mineral found by china on the moon changesite


    There are many mysteries on the moon, one of them is the minerals that we can find there, and the things that we find on the moon are related to the reason that is mobilizing so many nations to send their ships to the moon, to put up their little flag, to make an appearance on the moon and say that we have technology to reach it, one of those reasons is the minerals and riches that can be found on the moon.

    A few days ago, China announced that it had found a new lunar mineral thanks to the samples it took from the Changa 5 mission that it managed to bring to Earth in 2020. They were 1,730 grams of soil from the ocean of storms, this is the name of one of the lunar seas that do not have water, but since they look like that in ancient times they thought they were seas.

    Now 3 years later, china (these analyzes take time) has found a rather curious combination of minerals, specifically silica minerals and a new material that had never been seen before, which they have named changesite or Changesite-(Y) to be exact, Apparently these materials were formed due to the collision of comets and asteroids against the surface of the moon. These collisions are so violent and produce so much energy that they melt the lunar soil and cause the creation of minerals and curious substances.


    They also found two silica minerals that are related to this type of crystalline structures that are formed due to the impact of asteroids and have calculated that their origin of these strange minerals from the impact of an asteroid that caused a crater of at least 32 km in diameter, If we think about it, the moon is a record of impacts that have bombarded the region where the Earth is located throughout the history of the solar system.

    It is a record or an analysis of fingerprints, if we could analyze the materials from all the craters we would have, on the one hand, their ages, but we would also have the origin of those materials, we could even see things like whether they are the remains of comets or isolated asteroids or They are the product of a bombardment due to the destruction of an ancient planet, there is the theory of planet W, I put this as a reference, there is a theory that says that between Mars and Jupiter there was a planet that was destroyed for reasons that are still controversial. and was destroyed by another planet or by a giant asteroid.

    That planet was destroyed and caused a wave of asteroid bombardments on the moon, on Mars and also on Earth and we could find out all this in great detail if we could analyze the materials from the lunar craters, by the way, let's not forget that the moon It has served us throughout history as a small shield; if the moon did not exist, the Earth would have suffered most of the impacts that we see right now on the Moon.

    Most of those asteroids and comets that impacted the moon, creating all those craters that we see today, would have impacted the earth.


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