A Day of Bliss: Friends, Beach, and Yoga

in voilk •  5 months ago
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    Girls' Day

    My Diary

    Today my diary is filled with a lot of gratitude and fulfillment since several elements were combined that made this day very special, they are one of those days that we keep in our best memories.

    And what a perfect combination of friends, beach and yoga, I really couldn't be more grateful to enjoy
    this special day.

    After taking roko out for his morning walk, prepare breakfast, a delicious sliced ​​bread filled with cheese and ham, and toasted with a touch of butter.



    The girl I do yoga with is teaching a yoga class on Saturdays in a beautiful place located on the beach, and my friends and I were encouraged to go this day to enjoy this yoga class that we like so much that had a plus, since it would be accompanied by the spectacular landscape and sound of the sea, this friends is the most relaxing thing in the world, doing yoga listening to the sea.

    After breakfast I got ready with my yoga clothes, I woke up my daughter since I told her to come with me, my daughter is now in the adolescent stage for which I am involving her in my activities, and there is nothing better than taking her to this beautiful environment, where exercise is combined with nature.


    Leaving for my yoga class

    Since I live the furthest away and to optimize fuel consumption, we decided that I would go looking for my friends, first I would go and leave my husband for his work.


    Taking my husband to work

    The last friend I came looking for had a delicious coffee for us to enjoy on the journey, so ready and very pretty we chatted along the way, which we women like so much, enjoying a delicious coffee, and happy to be together and share a while.


    Happy to be together and spend a different day.

    We arrived at the place where the yoga class would be, a spectacular inn located in front of the sea, with a swimming pool, restaurant, ideal for those who visit the city, to stay, and also to spend a different day to those of us who are from the area.

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    Beautiful inn located in front of the sea.

    We were located in a special space, where the yoga class would be, on the terrace, with a wonderful view of the sea, the teacher started the class, it was spectacular, quite a few people attended, it was a very relaxing hour between meditations, strengthening exercises and flexibility, the magical sound of the sea that made this class even more spectacular, is very worth it.



    Fascinating yoga class facing the sea

    After enjoying the yoga class, the inn has a restaurant and beautiful areas to enjoy, we can also bathe in the pool, in addition to enjoying a delicious beach bath, we enjoy some delicious green smoothies, and coffee with milk for my daughter. We could spend the whole day here, but we have responsibilities at home, so after enjoying our drinks we headed back home.

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    Waiting for our drinks

    I arrived home at almost noon, thank God, my husband arrived earlier and prepared lunch for us, a delicious Chinese-style rice that I love so much, with chicken, sausage, and lots of vegetables.



    Then we rested, and I was working with my daughter on researching the material for an exhibition she had that week. Thank God, a friend lent me her daughter's poster from last year, I I looked super beautiful.


    Sheet that they lent us for the exhibition of the planets

    Thanking you for this wonderful day that I enjoyed with my friends, upon returning home I felt that I arrived renewed, time with friends always does us good and tell me if we combine it with exercises, and in contact with nature, the benefits are tripled. maximum.

    Until another day dear Diary

    All images were taken with my Redmi 11 Note Pro, and for exclusive use for steemit

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