Time to put stuff in the ground again to grow!

in voilk •  5 months ago

    And all of a sudden the sun started to shine and it felt like spring again! I looked at my allotment and saw a bunch of junk sticking out of the soil. And also a big weed as it seemed. Nothing strange I would suppose, as I had ignored the allotment throughout the whole winter. Nothing there to grow, and most likely everything would have drowned over these super wet months

    But as I took a closer look at the weed that was inside. I saw that it looked more like something else. It looked like parsley. I know I had sown some last year, but I wasn't sure if that was later on in the season or earlier and if that had come out.

    I have zero agricultural skills and I acknowledge that that is a big flaw. I have no idea when stuff should go into the ground, and from what kind of weather that should be. Also when I am not reminded of doing something to my allotment, I kind of forget about it again. Hence the parsley or not?

    I decided to just eat a piece of the 'weed' to see what it was. Because when it looks likes parsley, tastes like parsley, then most likely it is parsley and that means it had survived all winter. Crazy!

    But it got me inspired to look at my seeds again and see if there was already some stuff ready to start growing again even in the beginning or March. And the score for this week was not bad at all!

    Back to the app!

    So I opened up my Makkelijke Moestuin app again to see what kind of options there were available to start growing now. It is still early so I could imagine that there were also some veggies that start with some indoor growing first.

    And I found those in the form of sugarsnaps and snow peas. Those need some indoor sprouting first for the old bean to open up and grow a little root in there.

    Also I already put some turnip in the ground, basil (because damn I eat a lot of basil), radish and winter lettuce. These ones were all good to go to just stick into the ground and should be able to not have any issues with colder weather. because the nights still can be cold at the moment.

    I also planted a marigold flower for a couple of reason.s This flower enhances the quality of the soil for future planting, also attracts loads of bees when the are back, and also the leaves are eadible. Cool feature right?

    As you see there are still a lot of empty spots in there. This has to do with the previous growing in there. For instance I had a tomato plant on the right upper spot, and the app suggests to not plant something from the same family in there to keep the soil good. You know...not draining the soil the whole time from its nutrients.

    But it also still is early in the year, so not everything is ready to rumble. I guess in two weeks it will be time to plant more in there.

    I'm super happy planting season is started again, because this is one of the most rewarding things I have learned last year.

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