Role of Advertisement In Business Promotion And Sales

in voilk •  3 months ago


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    People need to get acquainted with our products and services. They are our potential customers and investors whose involvement will uplift and promote our business. Advertisement get them informed and motivated to enjoy our utilities and promote our sales.

    Advertisement comes with various forms. Those forms have their challenges and uniqueness. Understanding them and adopting their forms will brings forth good results as well as reduces the causes. Let's talks about some of its challenges and importance towards the world of business.

    Challenges Of Advertisement In Business Development And Promotion.

    Entrepreneur and Business Owners faced serious challenges during promotion of their products and services which tend to limit their sales and earnings. Sometimes these challenges are hard nuts to cracks which affects the business negatively. They are.

    High Cost of Advertisement Campaigns.

    Advertisement is very expensive and budgets constraints. Huge amount of money is needed to run a befitting advertising for promotion of products and services. Reason for such service is simple. Target audience and customers needed to be reached and means to adopt will be effective and successful but usually expensive and costly. For instance, even with the potential of social media platforms and huge numbers of mobile phones users, It's very expensive to reach targeted audience with such means as they needed money for those services. To run a successful Ad on Facebook etc, it's not free and limited so is with other platforms.

    Ambassador, influencers and Promoters are paid for their services which is costly for the promotion of products and services. Most of them are cared for during their campaign or agreement for the sustainability and development of those products. For example, During some celebrity and real life programs like Kardashians show or Big Brothers Programs, those aspiring actors and performers are pampered and cared with products and services from reputable companies for the promotion and advertisement which is costly but very productive.

    Reaching The Right Audience.

    In the crowded settings, although it's true that the success of Advertisement lies on reaching the right audience with great message for the promotion of the products and services but there's usually constraints and limiting factors behind reaching those potential customers and investors. Those crowded platforms are stuffed with many unnecessary and unserious giggles and shows which might offend some serious member of the public. For example, despite the popularity of some of these platforms for advertising, many people still does not have account with them or limited their involvement with them because of many personal reasons.

    Due to the importance of reaching the right audience, understanding the form of advertising to be adopted and employed will be very profitable. Advert on platform with huge followers will be satisfying as many targeted audience will be reached and benefit will be delivered. Not all platforms will be good to be adopted for advertising but the nature of the product and services as well as time will really appreciated for better results.


    In a competitive environment with many but similar and related firms struggling to attract more customers and build up their brand, it's very difficult to stand out and unique from others. Reasons for this occurrence are many but business owners on the same field imitate and adopt similar strategies to promote their trade. So be unique, understanding what the client's wants and possible ways to satisfy their utilities and then apply the best forms of advertising will be the best approach to attract more people.

    The customers needs are the ultimate goal of business owners and advertisement will help to present the best solutions and goods for the customer's satisfaction. For example, Toothpaste companies have evolved over the years and to improve their sales. In their advertising giggles, two lovers shows how they loved each other because of their good oral hygiene. With this approach, those companies are really productive and successful. Our population have more youth and teenagers, this advertising presents the goods in a way to boost their interests on the products.

    Positive Impact Of Advertisement And Promotion of trade.

    Despite the challenges as stated above and more, advertising serves great purposes for the promotion of the products and services. Let's talk about how entrepreneurs and business owners can utilize its potential to improve their sales and earnings.

    Increased Brand Visibility And Awareness

    Advertisement sells the products and services from the company and establishment to the wider audience. Many people will get to know about it and it's importance. The more people get to know about any brand, that's means more sales and earnings.

    Through various advertising channels and forms, wider audience get hooked with the product or services being presented. Entrepreneurs and business owners knows it's importance and ready to offset any cost to employ its services in order to improve their brand visibility and outreach. For example, Coca-Cola, the world's largest beverage company spent over billions of dollars yearly to promote their products and services. The advantage for this action is simple. They have dominant presence in many countries in the world more than any beverage companies with their net worth, sales and earnings too.

    With the elements of Advertisement, the brand introduces their products and services to their customers. Usages and importance of their products and services are clearly explained to the potential clients and synthesized to utilize them whenever the needs arises. For example, Dangote have become a household name in Nigeria with its various products ranging from salts, sugar, fertilizer, cement and even petroleum products because of various advertisement campaigns which have created huge awareness of their products and services to Nigerian and other African countries.

    Sale Improvement And Sustainability

    Interests and leads are generated as the advertising strategies becomes successful. These interests are very important as it enhances and sustain the brand's activities. With these interests, the peoples' needs are meted and their concerns are considered for more profitable approaches. Many people get hooked and sales improved as many companies have testified.

    Positive and compelling advertising message sustain the brand as it improve the reputation, trust and support for the brand within its customers ecosystem. Without good advertising and marketing strategies, many companies have suffered bankruptcy due to the failure of not improving and sustaining the customer based. This will affect their visibility and efficiency of the brand.

    Enhanced Customer Relationships And Engagement.

    Customers can freely relate with the brand and the advertising channels serving as the bridging or linking channel between the customers and the brand. Important information, features and services of the brand are publicly known which will build the customer's trust on the brand.

    Interactive and engaging forums of the social media can be employed to improve the relationship between the customers base and the brand. Their improved relationships will impact positively on the brand with huge presence and visibility.


    Advertisement can be challenging but very important to improve the brand visibility, presence and sales. Every form of advertising and it's strategies can be employed to sustain and promote trade and business activities.

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