Which way do I go? 😳 My Actifit Report Card: April 16 2024

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Which way do I go?😳
    “ Silvertop I need to turn somewhere quick, before we run out of U.S. roads! “ 😬
    With a cold rain pouring down, paparazzi Silvertop, asked the Mrs if she wanted to shop instead of hike today!🥰
    “ Liz…… how about you turn right here!“ 😇
    Turning “Right”, meant we were heading straight to the U.S./ Canadian border!😊
    Guys you can only go so far before you reach the point of “No Return!”😮
    See that street sign off to the right, in the fourth photo………
    That’s “H” street, this road runs parallel to the border.
    This is your very last chance to change your mind!😇
    EYES are everywhere at this point, watching traffic as cars slowly cross between our two Countries.
    I don’t believe our Border crossing guards would understand that Silvertop needed a “Photo Shoot” on a rainy day Lol!😳
    Years ago, our oldest son was out with some of his buddies late on a Saturday night……..
    “H” street has Canadian homes on the North side of the street, and United States homes directly on the southern side of the same street….
    You can carry on conversations with your Canadian neighbors across the street and vice versa!😊
    It has a big ditch separating the middle between the countries!😇
    Our son and his friends figured that the four-wheel-drive vehicle they were driving, could just cross right over to Canada without the border guards knowing !😳
    The vehicle stopped in the middle ……stuck in the ditch between two countries!😬
    It wasn’t till years later that our son told Mom and Dad, that they almost got the chance to visit up close and personal with armed border guards!🙄
    Liz turned onto “H” street, stopped the car, and paparazzi Silvertop started snapping photos!😊
    “Liz, our Suzuki is four-wheel-drive, but I think the next time we head North to Canada, we’ll take the paved road across the Border Lol…….
    Honey why are the Border guards watching us? “ 😇

    Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊

    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

    Daily Activity,House Chores,Shopping

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