Weekend-engagement topics #200: Life and my purpose

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello beautiful men and ladies of hive
    Here is my entry for the weekend Experiences contest.


    Life is the greatest gift for us all, each day that we live we should be grateful for the life and also we should try and live our life to its fullness. Knowing your purpose in life helps u live it well and live purposeful life. Putting smile on the faces of people around you makes Life great.
    We can't choose the life we life but we can definitely build a better life for us and for people too.
    Life might seems a bit difficult to us but we shouldn't give up on life, we should keep pushing and going through cause we might be somebody's helper in the future (tomorrow).

    What is life?

    Life is what we live and how we life, its involves lifestyle, reproduction and growth, how we adopt to the way of life and our environment. Life also referred to how we grow and develop ourselves daily, things to do and things not to do that would make life worth living. What makes us a living thing is the life we have; being able to move from one place to another, being able to communicate, being able reproduce, being able to impact others positively and not negatively.

    Has a human being we have one life to live, knowing this we shouldn't gamble with our life cause they are a lot of people watching and looking up to us.

    We must learn to live an upright life that pleases people around us and we should be able to influence people around up in a good way /positive way abd we should avoid negative life so that we wont wnd up destroying ourselves and those that looks up to us.

    My Purpose in life

    Your purpose in life determines how you live your life, purpose is the key we need to start a better life. A man without purpose can't live a fullfil life.

    What is purpose?

    Purpose is the reason we are here on eath. What we were sent/born on earth to do to makes life better for people.
    Purpose is also what you can render to the community to add value and better peoples life.

    My purpose

    My purpose is to make life easier for the less privilege; which includes orphans and widowers who's family have derive them acess to their late husband inheritance due to one unreasonable reasons or other.

    This peopl have being going through a lot in life and they need someone to help them out and put a smile on their faces. Giving them hope for a better future, giving them reason to live this thing called life.

    I have this zeal/purpose to better their life and put a new song of praise and happiness in their mouth and faces.

    Creating rooms for children roaming around the streets and giving them hope for life.


    Life is worth living when everyone is living fine and healthy, when everyone is happy.
    We should always help one another cause we dont know what tomorrow's hold for us. As an individual it is our duty to discover our purpose in life, doing this you have blessed many souls and also give them an amazing life to live.

    This is all i can say about life and i wish us well on this journey called life ❤️

    Thanks for visiting my blog 😊

    I'm @smartgirl5

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