My Cleaning Activity For Monday,18th of March, 2024.

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Good evening everyone, welcome to my blog. I know by grace, we all had a great day today. I carried out my cleaning for the day within my community. This place is a narrow path that links our street with the other street. The place had been littered with different wastes such as polythene, papers, sachets of water, plastic bottles, gin bottles etc.

    Solid waste disposal, also known as litter or garbage, can be found in various locations such as waterways, streets, drains, gutters, and public places within my community. This is a significant environmental issue as it contributes to pollution, harms wildlife, and degrades the overall appearance of the surroundings. Individuals and communities need to take responsibility for proper waste disposal and adopt sustainable practices to keep our environment clean and healthy.

    One major issue linked with improper waste disposal is pollution. When waste is thrown into water bodies or left on streets, it can contaminate the water and soil. This pollution can have harmful effects on aquatic life, as well as other wildlife that rely on these ecosystems. It can also impact human health, as polluted water and soil can lead to the spread of diseases. Let's dispose off refuse responsibly.

    These pictures show how I did my cleaning.













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