Claude vs. ChatGPT : Comparison of 2 AI Models

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Since 2022 we have got a new toy. A toy that allows us to get answers to our questions, create images, audio, video and what not. This tool is called an AI. The tool was first developed and released by the openAI and their model is named as a ChatGPT model. It has it's own internal versions.

    Now after openAI other competitors started to pop up. Be it Meta's openlama model, twitter's grok model or any other models like Claude, Huggingchat etc. New models and the tools that run it are coming out every year. And that has made the AI tools more usable over the years.

    Let's compare the most popular AI tools in the market: Claude and ChatGPT.

    Let's talk about ChatGPT then ClaudeAI one after another. I am assuming free features mostly for content.

    ChatGPT for Image Processing

    ChatGPT has locked its image processing features behind a paywall. And so free users don't have the access. Paid users however can process images. You can give the prompt for the image and it will draw using the DallE model. And apart from that there are also the stock models like stable diffusion etc that would be accessible from the addons marketplace. You can also add the image files and read the text and do other data analysis.

    Claude for Image processing

    Claude is being more generous as of now for the free account. You can literally upload invoice and ask it to read and find the data etc. They can do the image processing for free. And it would be reasonable for the claude free account to use some of such features without having to pay for the credits. But I am sure the enterprise and too much consumption of it would make you buy premium.

    ChatGPT for Grammar and Utility

    ChatGPT has certain limits but it has a great utility value. Like it can read the text and create the text creatively too. You can make it write jokes for you like original too. But they are not going to be always funny. It also checks the grammar, improves sentences and fixed variety of the content issues. It is those type of the fixes that adds more value to the text based content.

    ClaudeAI for Grammar and Utility

    ClaudeAI too is very much useful for the grammar, markdown, sentence formation and also variety of the text utilities. You would find the usage of the claudeai useful for correcting your essays and you can even upload the paper text images and then get it read and fix the issues. That also works well and things kind of improve in the sense that they can make really good use of the models for the text fixing like usage.

    ChatGPT for Critical Data output

    Let's say you are a data scientist and wish to use the chatgpt for the critical data output like analyzing the data in such case the chatgpt it would be useful. You can even use the csv and other data input too. You would however you may not be able to do that in the free account. You can use the plus account for exporting the data too but it does require your more clarity while you are trying to get the input as well.

    ClaudeAI for Critical Data output

    Here's the difference, you can use the claude for free usage pretty heavily. Though there are definitely limits of the file exports etc. But the free usage can do the work and it can get the critical output and study your data files too. Datasets are kind of useful there. I would say that claude is very much mature and released with a good model even for the free usage. Which is kind of worth saying that free users can get their work done.

    Who is better at the end?

    Remember the AI models and the updates make us chase the services and they are not yet stable on price and the feature as of yet. Each year something new comes up and you continue to fight for the same. So you may find claude may win few features but chatGPT also is innovating and then things would move towards new feature compete scenarios in near future.

    I have mostly tested the free features and on those tests the Claude has performed well but the premium featured of the chatGPT kind of give it an edge. Which means this compete approach continues to change in each update cycle.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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