Let us be Kind to live a long happy life

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Some people might think about what being kind has to do with living longer. Laughing can indeed make you live longer. Being good won't make us live longer, though. Being excited and being good are not the same thing.

    Kindness can appear in actions, words, and both giving and receiving. Activities that you cherish are those that you do because you want to help other people. Being cautious is attempting to see things from another person's perspective and understanding how they feel and what they are experiencing.

    An act of thoughtfulness is distinct from one driven by arrogance, pride, or greed.

    Caring means helping other people without expecting anything in return. Most likely, everyone has been susceptible at some point in their lives since most of us have been kind to others at some point.

    A dopamine chemical is sent to the brain when people are kind, whether giving or receiving kindness.

    Dopamine is the chemical that makes you feel good and opens up your mind's blissful zone. This is why receiving or giving a thoughtful act makes us happy.

    Excited people often say I have my unexpected burst of energy right now! to show they are feeling a dopamine rush.

    They are made in tiny amounts but have vital areas that make them feel good, a lot like the artificial drug morphine.

    Being thoughtful can make real pain go away! Based on what we know, people who aren't usually kind will get sick.

    There's more than just energy that makes us vibe great when we help other people. Oxytocin, a chemical that affects the whole body, is released when it does this.

    You understand why being good can help you avoid and fight cancerous growth. It also slows down the system's development.

    Serotonin is a complex chemical because it controls how we feel. This chemical doesn't make you feel better like dopamine does, but it works with dopamine to produce good emotions like happiness, peace, and satisfaction. Serotonin helps people who are easily agitated.

    What happens when dopamine and serotonin levels drop? The end consequence contradicts the advantages that were just presented.

    Compassion does far more. Being friendly will make you and others around you feel better physically and psychologically.

    Being polite and having a good attitude will help you live longer. When this starts to feel normal, you'll be amazed at how much better your mental and physical health is. Everyone should be more excellent to each other.

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