in voilk •  3 months ago

    In this world being a man comes with a lot of responsibilities, and knowing you can't meet up with those responsibilities makes you feel less of a man. I know because I've been there. I mean that transition stage where a boy got to step up his game and prove he can be the man of the house when Daddy is not home. For me, this time of my life came at age 17 when I made my first $1000. Okay before you start thinking this boy has money, the $1000 has finished, as a matter of fact, it didn't pass that week. Anyway, that's a story for another day. So like I was saying the first time I felt like a man was when I made my first $1,000 through binary options trading.

    Image by wayhomestudio on Freepik

    If I remember correctly, it wasn't the money that made me feel like a man, even though I was ecstatic about it. That day there was no food at home, and my mum was going head over heels trying to get money so we could eat that day. Not even for my sister and me, but for my two little brothers. I decided to check my trading account that day when I saw I had made $1,000. As of then, I didn't know what to do with $1,000 but then again I withdrew my profit, and gave my mum some money to go to the market. She looked at me that day and smiled, and the next thing that came out of her mouth was this is the boy I gave birth to yesterday now giving me money for the market.

    Hearing those words from her made my head swell so much that I was now thinking about how to make more money to buy a car. That was what I was thinking and I fell for a Ponzi scheme as a result of that thought. Anyway, when I said that day made me feel like a man, it wasn't all about the goosebumps and swelling heads, it was more about the willpower and drive to start standing up for my family and especially standing by my mum as my family was going through one of the difficult phases of our lives. That moment brought out Parts of me I never knew existed, I started taking notes of a lot of adult moments like my mum needing someone to talk to, my siblings needing a father-like figure…

    Image by freepik

    I also started feeling what it meant to be responsible for people's well-being as I started waking up thinking about what the family would eat and all. This brought the will to want to hustle and do better even when clearly the odds were against me. It wasn't long before I started losing my friends because while they thought about asking their parents for money, I thought about giving my mum some money. I started seeing my mates as immature sets of boys, but note; I wasn't even getting the whole mature adult thing right because I was trying to make money from Ponzi schemes and really thought that was my breakthrough, but soon I realized a lot of things I was getting wrong. However what I got right was the intent behind all I did, even though there was no one to tell me how to be an adult, I just wanted to be there for my family.


    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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