Cooking spicy tuna, taking an evening walk, buying cakes, and looking at the rice fields

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Assalamualaikum wr wb?
    Hello everyone, how are you, I hope you are fine wherever you are, I hope the fast goes smoothly for those who are observing it, this afternoon I made a side dish to break the fast, yes, it was tuna fish, so in the morning I waited for the traveling fish seller as usual to sit down. in front of the house and several other neighbors, when the traveling fish seller arrived I rushed to see what fish he had brought, there were several kinds he had brought but I didn't have an appetite for the fish so I just chose tuna, I think this is it better than the others.

    After I bought tuna fish at a fairly cheap price, I immediately went inside because the weather was very hot, and heard the sound of the call to prayer. I cleaned myself up to pray four rak'ahs of Dhuhur prayer first and put my youngest Gibran to sleep and I slept for a moment with him, at 03 I got up and cleaned the fish and I immediately cooked a spicy and sour sauce which tasted delicious, I didn't make anything else because I had already cooked this side dish for my beloved family.




    After I finished all the cooking tasks and I washed the plates and immediately took a shower for Asr prayers and my husband took me for a walk while wanting to buy necessities at my shop, I got ready to go with him and also my youngest, Gibran. it wasn't too far because it was still a long time to break the fast, so I went with my husband to buy what was needed for the shop. When we got there, it turned out that the shop I usually subscribed to was closed so I didn't buy it. In front of the shop, I saw a woman selling cakes for Eid and I just bought some, because I already made some at home with my mother.



    Because it was still 05 o'clock, I took my husband to the rice fields because I wanted to see how our rice was developing. I think I wanted it to be a little better than before because our rice had been sprayed using the medicine I bought, so it was already good. I was happy to see it, because it didn't take long. again we will harvest it, I'm so happy haha, what we plant is what we will reap, that's what our parents used to say, we really take care of it because this is where we seek sustenance to meet the needs of the family, by going to the rice fields it doesn't make us rich At least I don't need to buy rice, that's enough for me because we still have children to be responsible for, right?


    Because the sun had disappeared a little, it was a sign that night was coming, and we hurried to go home. On the way home, it was a little dark, but we had to get home before breaking the fast. Finally we arrived home, and I immediately made cold water for breaking the fast and Alhamdulillah we can enjoy breaking the fast happily.

    That's a short story from me, I hope you like it and thank you very much for stopping by my post.

    Greetings @maulidar

    Thanks you


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