A Generational Transition.

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Her eyes caught his shadow by the window before he could come in.

    "Eeezeem!!" A loud sneeze left Ana's nose as she held her face, and Daniel knew it. That is one of their signs, which means something is happening, so he left the front porch before his hands could touch the door's knob and tip-toed to the window.

    "Are you okay?" Her mother asked with worry.

    "I am Ma, the sneezing just came." Ana replied.

    "Hmmph!" Her father grunted, staring at her first before his eyes found his new object.

    ...and that was when Ana saw him tip toeing. Walking closer to the window, she noticed the sun was still out, so he still had time to be out. Staring at him, one sided through the window, and her eyes spelt out the words before he could get nearer. ”Don't come inside.”

    "So, Mr. Dawson. May I know exactly why you are here again?" Her father, Mr. Thomas asked while holding on to his folded newspaper.

    "Yes, Sir. I am the new coach in town, and I have seen lots of talented children around, but none could beat the talent your son has because his attitude towards sports is brilliant." Mr. Dawson replied with a smile.

    However, Mr. Thomas' ears felt like a volcanic eruption had just decided to say hello to him, and Ana could see the flame burning in his ears with her microscopic eyes.

    Ana stared at Mr. Dawson's face to see him still smiling like the smiling fairy gave him no choice but to smile.

    The weather must have felt the temperature rise in their house as Ana could have sworn the sun came out again, and hell's door descended on earth.

    "Ahemm!" Her mother's voice echoed like they were being transported to a cave.

    Raising up his chin like a proud ex-soldier that he was, Mr. Thomas's face gave out what was supposed to be a smile.

    "You are right, Mr. Coach. My son is different, and I know he is good at everything, which is why it has been decided what he would do. Thank you for bringing the obvious characteristics of him into my notice." Ana's father replied with a strange smile.

    Can he just stop making that face? It is hurting my feelings. Ana cried deeply to the heavens before sighing.

    "I understand you, Mr. Thomas. And I am not here to tell you how to take care of your children. I have no right to..."

    "Hmmphh!!!" Mr. Thomas' voice cut in, and Ana just hoped he would just listen.

    "Like I have stated, I have no right to tell you how to raise your kids. But I would like to share my experience in life with you." Mr. Dawson added.

    "Growing up, I had a father who always tells us what to do because he has our best interests in heart. From hobbies to what needs to be studied. It was like he had a roadmap of our lives in his palm. My brothers and I respected him so much and always followed whatever he told us while regretfully leaving the things we wanted in life."

    Staring at everyone in the room, Mr. Dawson continued. "Everything was like that for us all. We wanted something but our father wanted something else. And we grew up with that mentality. Although we achieved what he wanted in life, we were never happy. I worked as a banker for a very long time until I had a son, too. Just like my father had done, I started making plans for him, too. It was a duty to carry out as a father, I had always told myself. My father made my life better with his plans, and so I have to do the same to my son..."

    Cleaning off the single tear that found its way to his cheek, Mr. Dawson closed his eyes briefly before speaking again.

    *"I started my son's roadmap, and I watched his once happy-faced mop up. It reminded me of what I desired in life. But I was scared to let him go for what he wanted. Strange questions filled my head, and I wondered if my father had the same, too. "What if going for what he wants doesn't feed him? How would he be able to live life when I am gone?" and with that, I made the excuse of telling myself I am doing the right thing."

    Sighing deeply, he looked at Mr. Thomas before speaking again, "I continued telling him what to do, and it severed our relationship. Our home felt like a house with him there. Slowly, he was moving towards depression without me knowing. My wife decided to talk to me but I didn't listen. I want what is best for him! I screamed at her. And she told me, "Can you please look at his face and let me know how he looks to you."


    "The next day, I decided to wake my son from bed and noticed he wouldn't budge. He was rushed to the hospital, and the doctor called me and my wife to sit as they told us our son had high blood pressure. And then, my wife's words came back to hunt me. I almost lost my son... Mr. Thomas. I almost did. The moment he woke up, I told him how sorry I was and told him he could go for whatever he wanted. And the smile on his face did a miracle to mine. I saw the smile of my son, and my heart started beating again. I quit my job and started what I wanted to. I am happy...my family is happy, Mr. Thomas and I'll do everything I can to keep it that way."

    "If you don't mind, Mr. Thomas. I would like you to look at your children's faces too. When I saw your son, Daniel, playing football with his friends, his Sportsmanship was so real, I could tell that he would be a very good sportsman. I know you want the best for him, but you won't get that best this way." Staring at his watch, Mr. Dawson added. "How time flies! My family should be waiting for me."

    And just as he was about to stand, the front door creaked open, and Daniel found his way in.

    Looking at his face, Ana could tell he heard it all. He must have stayed by the window. "Perfect timing!" She screamed internally.

    "Where have you been, Daniel?" Her mother asked, gesturing for him to come closer.

    "Thank you, Mr. Dawson. I never expected you to speak to my Dad after talking to you. I appreciate your help." Daniel spoke.

    "You are welcome, kid." Mr. Dawson replied before walking out.

    Standing up from where he sat, Mr. Thomas looked at his son, then his wife and daughter, before walking towards his room.

    "Let me know if you need to buy anything to be a footballer." Mr. Thomas said while walking. Turning around, he smiled, and Ana could have sworn she saw tons of angels in her home as her brother ran to hug their father.

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